
Nice reach.. It was right there at your finger tips..

Sounds like they need to form an association and then do thing together under that association that oversees their industry. (the "association" agreed not to pluck feathers from each others pillows)

-I can't say "it" wasted my time, I'm the one deciding on what to click on and read, so I'm the deciding factor in 'wasting my time'.

Ahhh.. another story about gizmos, gadgets, and technology..

I would say, convincing someone to pay you a million a year (and getting away with it and not going to jail), is a skill. one might say "an art."

So..... power to that guy/gal for having the skills and finding a job that will pay him so well. Am I suppose to hate the company because their business makes money, and they pay people well?

Your Awesome!!.. That's all I got.. ?/friday/?

"The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a U.F.O. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket... and refracted the light from Venus." Yeah heard that explanation before, Just before they put on some sunglasses and flashy-thinged me..

should have punched some notches in the metal for the cord to wind through.. The cord is unsightly and seems to just hang there without much thought as to its placement or effect on the lights appearance.

I got a voice recorder for Christmas, it holds my keys, plays a little jingle when you whistle(key finder), red flashlight, and records voice for 10secs.. It only cost $6. (I use it to leave short messages to my son when I leave for work before he wakes up. I guess that was not its intended function, but i don't

Sounds like the perfect boat to do some pirating and drug running with..

I wonder what color they are going to send the white house? I would expect a limited edition one..

Yeah just like "Tablets".. Started 5000 years ago and was the tech of the time.. now here we are again. sigh..

You had allot to say on this..

1> "Give me the raise you promised me or I'm going to kill myself.."

I remember at Mac World when Quicktime was being demo'd, they had a blue screen error pop up.. Everybody laughed and snickered.. The guy then said" we'll just have to take a look inside" Which he then pealed away the blue screen on the monitor to show a Quicktime shot of a circuit board and somebody hitting the

Wallpaper a screen..

Consumers... I'm assuming they are talking world wide..

Thought there would have been more substance to this post, but there wasn't.. Way to take a random belched out post and make it more annoying with a lame GIF.. (aka: facebook belch = a post that has as much substance as saying "I just burped" )

Talking about the computers of today: