
Finally a OS that is made for media/tv desktop computers.. (not a mix of softwares)

A new Airplane is built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 600 mph. The wing cracks up. The airplane crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of airplanes in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court

I visited a friend in Salt Lake City, and we decided to light off some fireworks in his backyard, killing some time before leaving for the airport.. This was just around the time TSA implemented the new sniffing machines.. Well I got sniffed and the alarm went off, then they swabbed my bag and alarms went off.. Of

I would love to have a storm cloud follow me around the office as I walk around.

Way to go China. I see things like this and think it is awesome that someone is trying the tech, and making the first tests in feasibility and capability, in this scale.. It seems, projects like this in this scale, is something only a Communist/socialist country can do.. If it doesn't produce $$ it won't be tested

To me this seems like a very expensive simulator that regular field training can prepare for..

Now that you say it, was hollow and dimpled.. I don't remember the poison though..

Well maybe if it was to Katatoyee the God of retail sales, but Apple would have faced serious legal and publicity issues, sacrificing to that lame god Chikamanga.

Yep.. That is why I made that comment.. It was a dig at monster cable, without going into what you just rattled off..

If that is evil, I am a villainous mastermind of evil..

Saw this stuff in the spy museum in D.C. It was cool, lots of old spy stuff.. My favorite was the umbrella that shot the dimpled BB coated in poison. It felt like a bee sting and a min. later the guy is dead..

Just buy a monster cable..

I would say texting is ruining the English language. Geez, my spell checker still thinks texting is not a real word.. #my2cents

I remember the days of having to put them on the cables..

IMO - Most Facebook games are pointless boring click click click games.. But hey people like them, so whatever..

I wonder how many time he has accidentally X-ray'd himself.. I've flashed my eyes a half dozen times messing around with my flash settings.. (doh)

That is freaking great.. Personally, I do not check my email after 7:30 pm and before 8:30am, Unless I'm on the road.. Anyone that ever asked me why I say " that is the time for my family, anything can wait till tomorrow" (Exceptions: notice of server failure or alarm system)

Seems to be a bit more of a Photoshop Challenge then a Photography Challenge. But the bigger challenge will be building the time machine to travel back in time to submit the photographs before the deadline. (note to self, while in the past buy a lottery ticket)

Keeping a journal (diary) of thoughts and events during the day can very therapeutic and a good source of personal nostalgia. Being able to look back and see how your thoughts about subjects or issues has changed over the years is great for personal growth.. However, many of those journal entries are personal and I'm

"Ugh, come on, if you're going to run an 'interent' propaganda machine, at least import a copy of HTML for Dummies."