
BCG - Birth Control Goggles - Cause your not getting laid wearing them...

$13 for holywater? Is it still effective if you steal it from a church?

I don't remember Speech making eyes hurt..

Should have tasered him.. Zap to the neck.. "what do you think of that dipstick!! hows that sidewalk taste? Back to you Sandra"

Just what I wanted.. To make my face look like the Knight Rider car.. whoosh whoosh.. How about a true HUD.. Something I see and not everybody that is looking at me sees..

Oh P.S. I had to look for it... (Airsoft so you can shoot other people with it)

Its a joke.. Way to throw 'liberals' into the topic.. you're just another one of those "If your not one, then your the other" persons. I get Guns&Ammo, I also get The Economists and Popsci, PopMech, Discovery, and Dirt Rider.. Are you going to assume how I vote?

Soon you will see it in the back of Guns&Ammo Magazine.. Get your replica Qaddafi Gun, looks just like the original, limited series only 3000 made..

What a forensic artist thinks you will look like in 10years..

1> Flat Tax.. everybody knows exactly what their share is.. but that will never happen..

Skins.. When will they learn.. People like to customize their ride, phones, clothes, and their devices.. I have a different skin on my web browser, email browser, wallpaper, and so on and on....

Now where do you go to join the mile high club? (sigh)

Three people died smuggling this footage out of China.. One smuggler held the tape in his rectum for 2 days..

1st sound - Yo, were piranhas Back the F up..

haha... They take the cuffs off once in the holding cell, so you would have to make the dirty in your pants in the back of the patrol car, to get the key. Also Hoping it would be in that BM.

It's from Saturday Night Live..

The Clouds biggest fault... Bandwidth.

Hopefully it cleans off the picker-upper part, otherwise you are going to have poo-ash, stuck to the poo, on your poo picker-upper

I want to find the biggest scariest looking dog and freeze dry it in a very menacing "I'm going to eat your face" pose.. Then stick it outside my house during Halloween, with a bowl of candy under its drooling foaming mouth.. When someone is brave enough to grab a piece of candy, a loud bark comes from it.

little boy: "My tummy is grumbling.. "