
Yes.. for the most part. You use the Key as a tension bar. So you have to find a key the fits into the lock.

"Now I have no reason to use my miniaturisation-anator ray. I was going to shrink the Ti-state area and use it in photos of my train table.. I really like the detail of my train table and wanted miniaturized looking shots of the Tri-state area.. Curse you Photojojo.."

Crazy expensive cool..

Come on DOWN.. The price is right..

You stick your skateboard deck through your backpack straps.. Like kids around here have been doing since I skateboarded. I don't see that working too well on a low-stretched BMX frame.. kind of gets in the way of the Peg(s)

I want my Neural Computer to have ADD.. That way it can start a million projects, but never finish them.. That's what I'm still around for; to do the last bit and take all the credit..

Or you get a tension bar (twisted and bent flat metal ), a lock picking rake (squiggly shaped lock pick) and an electric toothbrush.. Attach the lock picking rake to the vibrating toothbrush.. Insert your tension bar (set tension) and jam the vibrating lockpick into the lock.. Move it back and forth (rake) till the

My new hero of the hour.. thank you.

Probably heard there was going to be some Gov't dissents and need to make a presence..

What they need is an Asteroid Shooter.. Send me up to shoot the asteroid.. I got mad skills..

I took the blue pill and found out how deep the rabbit hole was.. Now I'm controlling things with my mind and guys in shine shoes and black ties are chasing me..

You mean that is still around>?

Ahh. the new craze. "Bass Fluffed Hair"

Should have ones with Cartoons for kid potty-training..

I would 'like' this.. But the "like" button is patented.. (joking)

Way to go.. Its like the boy that cried wolf.. Now when it does go off and there is a wolf, nobody is coming..

Belly Flop, with a twist..

This story is like a arrow missing the arrowhead..

Then you spin it on the Y axis to create a solid shape called a batman doughnut, It does not have a hole in the center for crime to escape through..

I might be missing something, But there are no bullets in that Gun..(or only one)