
Ahhh..... you and ride, It and sit..

Crossover?? don't you want that tremble sound carrying over to the subs.. More Bass

Um..fact is NO... Sleeping in the rain is different from riding in the rain.. 1> you are awake when riding 2> When sleeping try to get a good sleep so you can ride all day the following day without sleeping at the handlebars..

Good stuff. Another theme park I would never go to..

Its like saying "that thing is Gay".. 'That thing' is not going around fucking same-sex versions of itself.. It means it is a stupid idea or lame, or it has gay overtones..

LOL.. Good to see him making use of his skills..

"Highway to the Dangerzone"

I'm sure it would be cheaper if they recorded it to a SD card..

Its like the glass of water that is resting precariously on the edge of a table. It was bound to fall off eventually.. just took someone to bump the table..

Start with Crap. Amplify. = bigger crap..

Boring.. Like something out of the 70's that is suppose to look futuristic..

It looks like my den.. I hate it, my wife hates it, but we put up with it, because of the cost and time to tear down the wall and redo it.. It's slated as the winter project of 2011.

Interesting note.. During the time the 33 miners in Chile where trapped in the mine, their mini social-order began to collapse when they were given TV. Some minors started to fight about what to watch, others forgo their duties instead opting to watch TV all day. Other began to become critical sending back desserts

All I could think of:

"reach out and touch someone" just got a little farther away..

So after checking out a map to get a better idea of the distance and topography, I saw the Lok Ma Chau Control Point.

What about the largest bottle of Vodka. You would think the Russians would want to hold that title. (especially to take it from the Poles....oooh snap)

All I can do it make mine lay down, point, and helicopter. I need this app to impress my wife with new tricks.

I can tell you my dirtbike with a Carburetor sometimes smells like gas as it evaporates out of the Carb. bowl. However, my street bike (FI) never smells after it is off.. But climbing in and out of the tent and having to get around the motorcycle doesn't seem appealing.

Was he shooting that Spike at the Leg of Lame with his truck behind it? Sure looked that way..