Snow Monkey Ambassador


No idea why, but this SLAYED me! Nice.

The jury is not out on killing Harambe. When Jack Hannah says it was the right thing to do, it was the right thing to do. I will not debate this.

Sick as a dog, 34 years old, pivotal game, at the other team’s house . . . Jordan goes all Jordan for 38 points, 5 assists, and 3 steals.

“Back and to the left; back and to the left; BACK. AND. TO. THE LEFT!”

Wait, what? Are we supposed to think that Spades is a game for our African-American brothers and sisters and not for us honkies? Because I’m about as honkey as it comes, but I’ve been playing Spades my entire life. Literally since I was 8. With all of my whitebread friends and family. When did this become a black

Despite my NUMEROUS contributions to this website and the guests, commenters, and bloggers who frequent it, I am still in the grays. This is an American tragedy and, as we now beseech the power of Almighty God to right the wrongs that so viciously assuage the shareholders of Gawker Media, I must ask you, the people of


You live in Waco. You’re a Baylor student. Why are you trying to pretend you’re disinterested, here?


You’re never going to let facts get in the way of your defense of rapists and the administrators that cover up their crimes, are you:

I don’t know who “we” is, but I guess “you can assume whatever you want. “I” see absolutely no reason to make a baseless assumption . . . then again, I’m not a Baylor supporter looking for a way to excuse the abhorrent behavior of basically everyone involved with the university.

I think compared to many stupid comments, this comment is even more stupider. Maybe even the most stupidest.

As befitting a “religious” institution like Baylor, I’m now referring to the disappearance of everyone involved with Baylor Football as the “Rapeture” . . . only I'm fairly certain none of these scumbags is ascending to heaven.

Some of these comments . . . I mean . . .

If he joined in 1943, he missed the bombing by a smidge, killer.

Way to completely unironically support the stereotype, champ. Keep it up, ace! Here’s your trophy . . .

Your username is NAILS! Congrats on that.

Baylor is so full of shit they built an enormous toilet for their turd of a football program . . .