Hey, buddy! What year did you graduate from Baylor?
Hey, buddy! What year did you graduate from Baylor?
This is stupid and you are stupid. But the kid who came up to you is stupider. So, so stupider.
Nor did Patricia Ireland or anyone else at NOW. The entire thing was disgusting, but the fact that the Democratic party can just continue to (correctly) assume that women will still support them after that show of misogyny is frightening to me. Almost 20 years later, I still can’t believe the way those groups attacked…
The panoply of human emotions in seven seconds. This could not be more perfect if God filmed it.
I have watched this at least three dozen times, and it's gotten better with every single viewing! This is my everything.
This is good Kinja.
And yet, spot on!
As an avid watcher of Girls, I find it extremely unlikely that any character or group of characters could possibly be as unlikeable as the characters in Girls. I’m going to need some evidence, because not only can’t I see it, I can’t even fathom it. kthxbai
As an over-appreciator of unseen-yet-omnipresent irony, this post is set to become one of my all-time faves!!!
Who knew that Major Dad was a major OKC fan?! That’s the real news, here.
“Yeah, fuck democracy! This old guy sucks!”
“So now we can’t reference songs by black artists because they might be construed as racist?”
Um, so? How does this make Blake Lively racist? We all know what the song’s about . . . okay, us grow-folk know what the song’s about. How does that knowledge add to this conversation one iota?
This needs more stars.
Take it up with Sir Mix-a-Lot, fine. But how does this make Blake Lively a racist? Y’all are stretching like a MF to see this as “racist.”
Stupid and inane I’ll give you. But racist? How in God’s holy name is this racist? Was Sir Mix-a-Lot touting a racist diametric when he penned the line?
Anyone who says they don’t want their kids to die horrible deaths at least half-a-dozen times a weekend is lying. But with your own kids it still works. Because they hug you and say things like “you’re the greatest daddy in the world,” and you believe they actually believe it because they're so goddamned cute. So…
All the references to the wrong city are funny because Canada. Get it . . . CANADA!
I understand that She Bangs was the worst song ever recorded, and death via low-and-slow cooking is better than he deserves, but Ricky Martin is still in decent shape.