Snow Monkey Ambassador

His comment is weird because he’s acting like no one can change the terms of this “standard” contract. They can. Obviously.

Most of the folks you saw on MTV Cribs were Gen Xers or even Boomers. As a Gen Xer myself, I tend to hate on the Millennials, but let’s at least get the facts straight.

This is a weird comment. “Standard” contracts become standard because they entity providing the good or service says “take it or leave it.” The record companies, in this case, are the entities providing the goods and/or service. Contracts are not perpetual, so when one expires or is otherwise terminated, they are free

As befitting a “religious” institution like Baylor, I’m now referring to the disappearance of everyone involved with Baylor Football as the “Rapeture” . . . only I'm fairly certain none of these scumbags is ascending to heaven.

Some of these comments . . . I mean . . .

If he joined in 1943, he missed the bombing by a smidge, killer.

Way to completely unironically support the stereotype, champ. Keep it up, ace! Here’s your trophy . . .

Your username is NAILS! Congrats on that.

Baylor is so full of shit they built an enormous toilet for their turd of a football program . . .

Hey, buddy! What year did you graduate from Baylor?

This is stupid and you are stupid. But the kid who came up to you is stupider. So, so stupider.

Nor did Patricia Ireland or anyone else at NOW. The entire thing was disgusting, but the fact that the Democratic party can just continue to (correctly) assume that women will still support them after that show of misogyny is frightening to me. Almost 20 years later, I still can’t believe the way those groups attacked

The panoply of human emotions in seven seconds. This could not be more perfect if God filmed it.

I have watched this at least three dozen times, and it's gotten better with every single viewing! This is my everything.

This is good Kinja.

And yet, spot on!

As an avid watcher of Girls, I find it extremely unlikely that any character or group of characters could possibly be as unlikeable as the characters in Girls. I’m going to need some evidence, because not only can’t I see it, I can’t even fathom it. kthxbai

As an over-appreciator of unseen-yet-omnipresent irony, this post is set to become one of my all-time faves!!!

Who knew that Major Dad was a major OKC fan?! That’s the real news, here.

“Yeah, fuck democracy! This old guy sucks!”