
What’s the problem half these black assletes couldn’t form an inteligent sentence if it was written for them they talk with their bullshit ebonics because they were to stupid to learn proper english. Then they wonder why white people have no use for this segment of society. Mushmouth ghetto chimp.

Gee everybodies a critic, could any of you do better, I guess thats why none of you are directors. Stay in your bullshit jobs and leave movie making to the professionals. Like any of you people could do better. I guess thats why your not in the profession.

This is why sports is for little kids, typical asshole sports fans, betwen kneeling on the firld and refusing to visit the White House. Imature players playing a kids game getting paid alot of money, and half these jerkoffs couldnt add 2 and 2. And you idiot fans buying all that expensive clothing with your teams

Mind blown..... ⚡🎯

I kinda feel a little bad for Ms. Thurman, she just cant drive, boom end of story. As for Quentin Tarantino, seen all his movies, not a bad one in the bunch. I would think as an actor it would be a serious boost to their career to appear in one of his movies. Also as a director I’m sure he can be a real a hole but

Just to let you know yes Santa is white, because any other color Santa comming into my house on christmas eve through the chimney is called a thief, and will be delt with accordingly. Sorry if P.O.C. feel excluded, but its just another example of how B.L. or opinions DON’T really M. more than anyone elses. There just

Dont you mean the 2nd phase of losing money, so lets see we hate the russians but meet them in space, an o ring brought down a shuttle which resulted in a average citizen losing her life, the space station is old and plagued with problems, still think wasting money going into space is a good idea, like we dont have

Being that your the ghost of eazy are you just as dumb, I guess with his drug use you didnt learn anything from his passing, maybe with the money spent on space travel Dr. Smith Eazy could be alive today, you know maybe scientists could have found a cure for aids but no lets follow a pipe dream of living in space. You

So the space program being long dead did bring about great technology, I cant help but wonder if the money spent after the Apollo missions was worth it I mean Johnny still cant read homelessness is still a problem Vets are forgotten our roads and infrastucture are in disrepair a shuttle blew up because of an o ring

Typical druggy. Why not move to cali were you can live the rest of your weed smoke haze days coughing till you puke cheech.

And your probably one of these idiots that think we can colonize mars and the moon. Make sure you get the creases right in the tin foil hat pluto.

Wow your a real force to reckon with hows that dollar store loser. You seem to be really informed with all the stupid liberal ideas hows that working oh yeah thats right Hillary lost hopefully never to be heard from again.

I didn’t know the lady, I didn’t read not a damn thing she tweeted that I disagree with. Its damn shame she took what some ahole loser tweeted back; to heart. My prayers go out to her husband and family. To the trolls that dwell in the bowels of depravity. Pay back is a bi otch.

Im sorry whos president? And whos not? Go back to rapey Bill Clinton

Your proud your grandmother broke the law. R.R. should have thrown the old bat out. Not grant amnesty. Typical loser foreign family. Stay where you belong or come here legally.

Amazing for a hack who hasnt been relevant since the 80's

You have to laugh at all these accusers, their so outraged by mens behavior, most should consider themselves lucky anyone would even want to fuck them, bunch of puritans that they are, I say men should continue to act they way they do bc no woman has ever done anything to better this country, it always been men so

Sorry. I meant friends and condos.

Who cares about the entertainment business, they are no freinds of ours they live in gated mansions, or expensive codos, if you see one on the street and recognize them, sure they may stop for an autograph or picture but thats as far as it goes, they can’t wait to get away from you. So good that industry is imploding,

Funny shit man! still laughing!!!!who ya come to see?  EAZY....