
The real reason the parks dept. Wouldn’t allow it is because it gazed lovingly towards the washington monument.

Your right all women should just wear big potato sack that cover yhe whole body. Jeees... hey if youve got it flaunt (t)it.

Are you people kidding grow a fucking set poor little girls that man attacked me give me a fucking break this whole abuse thing is total bs now you say something all these years nothing now everybody has a story of abuse I am seriously doubting you were really hurt by the alleged abuse just seems like these actresses

Ha ha jokes on him!!! Thanks for playing now just step into that bus that says ICE.

Why are they staying a wife should be with her husband in MEXICO!!!!!

WARNING: Democratic taking point

Hey idiot you just shot your own argument to hell he did everything by the book but he was here ILLEGALLY. EVERYTHING AFTER IS A MUTE POINT. Whats next, he stole a SS number, he had to right, I mean how can a illegal find work without one. So answer that one Clyde Go back to bed the grown ups are talking.

Not in the least when it comes to law breakers, and who said anything about breaking up families we were hoping the rest of the family would leave also. NO need for them to be taking up ILLEGAL space here in the good Ole USA. Maybe you could go with them being your so upset about him be deported. You can hold his

Your funny, liberal toady, still cant get over the fact the dems had a liar pathetic excuse for a woman as a candidate, and she lost must be nice we can now equate bubba clinton with that other democratic pig harvey weinstein, we had to put up with 8 yrs of that shucking and jiving man child, now your upset cause

Your right we should take matters into our own hands find this family and march them into the nearest ICE office why wait for the police to do it. If they resist show them the business end of reliable firearm

Still illegal right, misdemeanor or felony its still illegal, or are you of the mindset its just a misdemeanor no problem, pay a ticket and your on your way, not so fast both are laws or is that idea above your I.Q. we are a nation of laws that as a citzen you should follow. Being hes from Mexico he shouldnt follow

How is he working his ass off with no S.S. number. Last time I checked you need one to work, get a drivers license, a loan, credit card etc. Explain that one, take a seat Jesus I’ll explain it to you, his number is a stolen one. See thats called breaking the law. That will get you a nice one way ticket back to the

Thats weird I cant help but wonder do you stand for anything or just fall for everything. Illegal Aliens = deportable criminals. Key word being ILLEGAL, GOT IT EINSTEIN.

Probably the same as yours only in your case your a magpie repeating the the same inane bs you and your lefty comrads keep telling yourselves. Illegal aliens are our friends no they are criminals plain and simple like you simple minded dolt that you are.

Haha breaking apart families, he had to know that someday this would happen if not then he is stupider than I thought in that case send him back to Mexico we hate stupid illegal wetbacks. Im sure after hes deported he’ll be back only next time I hope a rancher on the border mistakes him for an trespesser and takes

Nice language, is that how you talk when you dont have a dick in your mouth. Conversations with you must be short, you know with your limited brain capacity. Opps were there words that you would like explained, I know some are longer than 3 letters and all.

Why aren’t they deporting the whole family. You people kiĺl me, try this on for size, he was denied entrance then he sneaks in to the U.S.A., Clearly he new what he was doing, which was breaking the law, and you folks are ok with that? The daughter should be thrown out of Yale as well because she is also here

What PoC are really pissed about is the fact the past president fuc%ked everything up so now your afraid that were going to take OUR country back from lesser beings mainly You pissed off clowns oh sorry poc I like how you abbreviate it probably because blacks can’t spell from lack of education due to incarceration.

I feel sorry for your husband, gorst married to you second being muslim or is that you stupid idea, if we left this country up to pieces of shit oh sorry Pissed of coloreds oh wrong again PoC sorry ebonics slipped in we would all be living in the ghettos stealing each others stuff no jobs in other words dumb like

Hes a liar he had his eyelids done