
That thing is a freak of nature figure out what you are then get back to us in the words of eza e the bi’%$h had a dick.

BTW Thats right Santa claus is white any other color Santa comming down a chimmney is called a thief. Jesus was also white stop with making POC so important they are not thats why they are on the bottom of any pecking order and fill our jails and account for the most abortions. Very dumb useless people of society

Megyn these idiots will never know anyone these stupid good for nothing toady liberal sget their news from comedians, and venom spewing dykes i.e. Rachael Maddow and her ilk. I believe Karl Marx called the typical progreesive liberal USEFULL IDIOTS a fitting term.

I wouldnt be suprised if the woman pedestrian is somewhat at fault also, I drive for a living and I cant tell you how many times at intersections people see a light change and immediately start walking across the street without even looking if its even safe to cross, if a car is traveling at the speed limit and its a

Just goes to show your BL DONT MATTER. Any more than anyone elses. Your still 2nd class. Better yet NO CLASS THATS WHY YOU LIVE IN GHETTOS ITS WERE YOU BELONG SHIT STAINS.

Who cares I use the word all the time to descibe poc, why not most of you are fucking stupid you can’t talk right you bastardize the english language with your ebonics your rude inconsiderate, loud mouths, no fucking manners, you think your privileged when you sure as hell aren’t, nasty dispositions, you commit most

Really the biggest racists I’ve encountered are blacks and run of the mill democrats. And just for the record here are the names of shit hole countries:Uganda, Mogadishu and Somalia and lets throw Haiti and Cuba in as well. 

Personally these ride shares are a scam, I remembe the commercials saying work when you want, doesnt sound that way, it seems the only way to make money is you have to work certain times to really make money, as well as if the study is correct or even close you make less than a paperboy but with more overhead and

I find it interesting this site is called Jezebel, it somes up what lib women are, if you know the story of Jezebel you’ll see she was a pretty nasty woman, as well as the fact that, she was a liar and her association to ladies of the evening, that said anything this shit hole website says should be taken with the

Your moms an idiot if she listens to her kids and takes it as gospel. I believe K marx called you people usefull idiots, And i see you wear that title proudly. Heres you sign.

Why are you defending a person that would have his body guards body slam you if you got within 2 ft of him . These celebs and athletes couldn’t give 2 shits about you dont believe it go try knocking on his door at his house, youll see the inside of a cop car faster than he can eat collared greens. Whitey

Keyword is tried! Didnt see the word DID. Learn to read before you open your piehole d bag.

8 yrs of lies and deceit that worked out well from a useless antique farm implement.

A therapist?. Nuff said about you.mental case go eat a tide pod. Mental defect

Advocating murder, great week for that you idiot.

Cheap beotch

Wow your edgey, your cool you got chocolate colored friends cause I just took a shit or in other words I just dropped the cosby kids off at the pool.

Is that what you heard, i heard hayba Imba dumba nig witha bigga lippa. Stupid lump of shite. Same color too.

No its called thieves, just like a busload of ni$$%#s going off a cliff is a good start.