Snow leopard

Wait they got the guy that directed Fast Five doing another Terminator movie? Just let it die, please. The last two have been awful enough.

Oh she was on it, but now she's moving up and pushing Kevin Sorbo and John Lipton down a few ranks.

Pff. You call that action?

I think I was already too big a nerd by the time this show had come out. I was already busy watching TNG by the time I was nine and when this show came on all I could think was how scientifically implausible it was that half the cast members were from planets in our own solar system. A kid from Uranus? And one from

My house has been around for about a hundred years and this is the first time the waterline has ever reached past the front yard, let alone the first floor. I'm grateful that this wasn't a Katrina and that my family is safe but this was still a pretty serious record breaking storm for our area. It's certainly a good

I ah...I got to admit. I'm pretty well versed in dragon lore. When The Reign of Fire hits those notebooks will come in very handy.

I don't know about this. I remember desperately going through my notes before a big test and finding nothing but dragons fighting each other. I guess it only works if you remember to write down notes as well.

Well, one of the reasons I feel Christopher Reeve's Superman was so successful was how relatable he made the character feel. He was never a brooding guy obsessed with his dead planet or some badass ready to tear up the baddies. He was just a good-doing nice guy that seemed to genuinely enjoy helping people. It's that

This is the last thing I'm worried about regarding this film. After watching both Watchmen and Sucker Punch, I have about zero faith in Zack Snyder as a director. This thing is going to be a mess.

When it comes to haunted anything, If the kids aren't pissing their pants you're doing it wrong.

I think it's a result of them trying to save power when they're out on the fringes of space. In the original movie very few parts of the ship are lit as they're not occupied by the crew very often. In Aliens, the marine's ship is actually very well lit. It's only when they get down to the colony, which has been blown

I kind of don't see how any of the Star Trek cast's speculation is more insightful than anything someone could whip up here on the comments. It's basically been "Well, J.J. hasn't really been returning my calls lately but I can tell you what I think would be cool: pom far nude scene with Zoe Saldana...oh, and

That's a good point. I think a lot of the great character development you see from these books has to do with the characters being sent to hell and back (or just straight to hell) and dealing with the consequences.

Eh. I wouldn't agree. It just feels that way because we lost (spoiler alert) Catelyn and Ned. But really we still have most of the Starks, Jon Snow, Tyrion, and Daenarys. Over the series we've accumulated the rest of the Lannister siblings, The Greyjoys, Brienne, Sam, and a couple of Martell characters.

Yeah, they're switching the meeting spot to India during monsoon season next year.

Reminds me of the crappy Jaws game that came out for xbox. Awful graphics, no voice acting, and a blatant attempt to cash in on nostalgia without even bothering to make a halfway decent game.

On of the reasons I love Joe Abercombie's novels so much is how instantly memorable his characters are. There's never a chapter where you return to someone's perspective and ask "who's this guy again? Even the minor characters and adversaries are positively dripping with personality.

Yup. Same thing. It's a legitimately recognized sleep disorder. I wake up and am basically like "Well, I don't know if I started this but I'm sure going to finish it!"

I almost always sleepwalk after a night of drinking. I usually don't get too far but one night I woke up to find myself changing all the light bulbs in my ceiling fan.

I feel ya man. There are plenty of shows out there I'd like to watch, but geez some of these networks have commercial breaks that are so long I often forget what I'm watching by the time they're over. Syfy is one of the worst by far.