Snow leopard

Why are they even making standalone sequels to Iron Man, Thor, and Cap? There's so much awesomeness going on with this team up that I'd much rather see them focus on a continual Avengers series. These actors only have so movies left in their contracts and time before they give up the roles. Let's not waste RDJ on

I feel like World of Warcraft is starting to trend towards this, at least in the preferences of the player base. Blizz is putting in friend referrals and cross server gameplay because people are willing to sacrifice a sense of server community in order to play with their real life friends. I can't say I disagree. It's

Now playing

Tech support conducted in old English. There's an Easter egg in there for skyrim fans.

I thought the Star Wars part on the end felt pretty needless. the dog commercial by itself was charming and cute but then again, I find chubby animals hilarious.

Pretty sure that is the same nerf bow I had when I was five. Oh well, guess you don't need to fix what ain't broken.

I'm sorry but I'm really having a hard time understanding your logic. I take care of the expensive things I own because they would cost a lot to replace. That's kind of the case for anything whether it's a computer, car, or house. As far as I'm concerned, putting a case on my phone says I actually care about my

Not going to lie. I got a little misty eyed.

Something tells me we're not seeing a few of the steps it took for things to get this bad. Maybe she should have done something when the kid started missing, oh I don't know, a week of school as opposed to a year? I'm not saying video game addiction isn't a real thing or that this kid doesn't have it but someone

What is this? Starship Troopers? Where military service is the only way to assure a stable place in society? Screw that. I ain't fighting no bugs. Especially since the military isn't allowing coed showers yet.

I love how this one is an actual line from the show.

Bad idea. Some people just don't look good with blue eyes. I know for a fact that I'd look freaky with them.

Why would you want to change that? Two eye colors for the price of one! Seriously though, I think that's kind of cool. Mine just stay the same dark brown no matter what.

Today is a good day to die! Ramming speed!

I don't understand how someone can implicitly be a bad lover. With patience, healthy living, and practice anyone can have a more than satisfying sex life. Granted, there are plenty of medical conditions that can complicate this, but there are a lot of people out there that just don't communicate their sexual needs

Doesn't really solve the problem for me as the main reason I'm not going to the movies anymore is because they're too damn expensive. Not that 10-15 dollars is an extraordinary amount of money, but it sure feels steep after you walk out of half the movies these days. I'd much rather wait a few months than watch it

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Really rushed game made by LucasArts to coincide with the film's release. Is incredibly short, has boringly simplistic combat mixed in with trite puzzles, and Darth Maul is more or less the most exploitable boss I have yet to see in a video game.

Geez I guess wacoon aids is a touchy subject for you lol

When was the last Apple tv refresh? I'm interested in getting one but I'll wait if the new one is imminent.

I personally loved the ridiculous swearing. It added to the insane over the top atmosphere that the game was trying to create.

Amazon really nailed the iPad's major advantage in this whole tablet war: price. Everyone's been releasing more powerful tablets for the past year, but they've all failed to match the iPads five hundred dollar mark, which really wasn't that cheap to begin with.