Snow leopard

That is a very good point. Nevertheless, people who don't like this policy shouldn't feel that they have to sit back and accept it and I would argue that if you don't like the terms, do exactly what you said, disagree to the terms and cancel or don't even start an account. A reduction in accounts or reduction in

Is it lonely up there on your ivory pedestal?

No excuse to go? How about the fact that all these events are scheduled on weekdays during what are common office hours? Couldn't they at least put one of these on the weekend or in the evening?

I remember when they did something similar to this on the World of Warcraft forums. People basically flipped out for two weeks until the developers gave in and threw the idea out the window. Cancelling your account and sending in wave of angry emails and forum pots does actually yield results believe it or not.

Extra? I just call my twin brother "backup organs".

I'd argue that Japanese game designers enjoyed earlier success because they developed a means of storytelling earlier than their western counterparts. There are a lot of great western games from the 90's and early 2000's but none of them had the theatrical bravado of titles like Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid.

It's funny you put up FFX because that really was the last straw for me as far as that series went. The whole first three hours of playing it were nothing but movies after movies. Gorgeous movies to be sure, but geez, enough was enough. I wanted to play already. To top it all off the voice acting was bland and the

Son of a beesting!

Wow I'm surprised the free xbox with a pc deal wasn't able to pull more people in. I guess a lot of kids (or their future roommates) already have one? Either way, it's only the first week of July. A lot of the high school grads I know, including my own brother, won't be buying theirs until august. So we'll see what

Well yeah everyone has an iPod but the question is whether or not they would like a newer one. Not everyone has a 4G iPod touch. Not everyone has an iPhone either, especially the great number of graduating high school kids that only use their phones for copious texting.

I know! Seriously! I work in the United Nations and we're constantly looking for random people to send 10 million euros to. All this unnecessary filtering is really slowing my department down.

Yup the darn thing is like voltron...except without all the robot lions and ass kicking.

Throw em out the fracking airlock!

Phew I thought you were going to say she was a man. Yeah, I could date a computer program, as long as it doesn't have a penis.

I don't know. A fit and reasonably attractive yoga instructor has to strip down? I wouldn't be so quick to trust those marine biologist types. They're basically the bros of the zoological world.

As I recall there's a lot more slapping in the second book. Tyrion basically gets sent to Kings landing to slap Joffrey into shape and he sure as hell does.

Just call it muff cabbage and it will go away.

How do you kill that which has no life?

Eh I have to disagree with you that the setting offers no enlightenment on the issue of chauvinism. This is a show that very much explores sexism as a problem in society rather than celebrating or fetishizing it. Dany, Cat, Sansa, and Arya are all women that are negatively affected by sexism but in differing and

As a person that's read the books it was really fun watching everyone's reaction to Ned's execution.