Snow leopard

This conclusion seems very flawed. Sure, I can think of a lot of examples of red representing danger but it's also frequently used in world culture to represent virility, luck, and warmth. I remember reading about one study recently where in a large study group both men and women found people dressed in red to be the

Hey Jesus isn't exactly going to kick anyone's ass. The man's a lover not a fighter. Although turning the other cheek ended up with a gun butt to the eye this time around.

Yeah you're thinking Jesus on Gizmodo lol. I was thinking more the exclamatory statement but hey who knows what the poor sap's name is.

Eh for a Conan movie you really don't need to act. You just need a good prescense, and I reckon Mamoa has that in plenty supply.

It would at least make for a great story.

Did anyone else notice Rickan's abrupt and almost comical introduction in this episode? I had almost forgotten about him until he literally popped out of the shadows and started talking to Brann. I can only imagine how confused people who didn't read the books must feel.

This trailer needs a "Your experience may differ" clause for those future moments when you're standing in place swinging a lightsaber at a stationary imperial trooper who's too dumb to move out of the way.

Have you ever played Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force? It's definitely one of the better FPS's I've played and a really great Star Trek game at that.

I wonder what the retention of new players has been. One of the major goals of this expansion was to draw in fresh blood and make the starting experience more accessible and interesting. I'm not sure if they've really succeeded in that regard. It seems most of the people in the starting zones are playing alts with

I believe he's referring to the clone wars animated movie that was released in theaters as sort of an opener to the series. I'll agree that it was terrible. I've watched a few of the episodes of the series and although it's not exactly awful, I don't see what all the praise is over. The voice acting is wooden, a good

Oh man! This planet is off da hook!

Eh I got to disagree with you there in that the road is very different in terms of setting and story. The road is very existential in that the events leading up to the catastrophe are never fully explained, names are never revealed, and even the specific location is kept vague. The father and son aren't heroes either.

Hey listen I'm willing to have my image associated with meat skirts, video eye glasses, sodomy, masochism, weird plastic dry wrap stuff that goes over your face, fragrances that are designed to smell like a combination of blood and seaman, and rampant pansexual orgy action.

Yeah but believe me, you're going to want to get this one for a screen the size of the iPad's. You're almost certainly going to have a harder time moving everyone around on the smaller iPhone.

In my opinion the sheer volume of successful graphically simple games is a testament to the enduring power of older game designs. There's been a renaissance of the sidescroller lately and it's not just nostalgic gamers that are buying these titles, but people who simply find them genuinely fun and relevant. We've

Yeah basically she’s the opposite of Olivia Munn in a lot of ways. She’s an attractive woman but that’s not the reason everyone’s all gaga for her. It’s that she’s actually talented and knowledgeable while also having a face that’s easy on the eyes.

Oh Felicia Day. She's my Olivia Munn.

I’ve always felt that blizzard has managed to hold on as one of the leader’s in PC gaming by making titles that can run well on a variety of systems. You can play WoW or Starcraft with an older computer and they still look good. They won’t look cutting edge or fantastic, but they’ll run relatively smooth and resemble