Snow leopard

That's a good point. Maybe it is time we had a more action oriented Superman film.

Not when I have crack addicts breaking into my car and stealing my radio you don’t. Sorry, but some substances just can’t be used responsibly. Granted, there are a lot of gray area drugs like marijuana and alcohol but stuff like heroine makes monsters out of people.

Seriously. There wasn't one ounce of personality in any of those characters. Which one was he? The gruff badass with the British accent or the gruff badass with the Scottish accent?

Yikes. This is all some pretty bad news. Not that I think Snyder is God’s gift to filmmaking but he has been doing enough interesting stuff that, when honed properly, has the potential to be awesome. The 300 and Legends of the Guardian may not get any laurels for plot, but by damn they were visually interesting and

I really couldn't see them reducing the screen size on this baby, especially when you have competitors like the droid x with so much more real estate. If there is going to be shrinkage I would reckon it'd be in thinness.

Man, I'm really getting tired of looking at this guy's face.

Yeah but isn’t there a greater carbon footprint created by adding magnets to all these cups?

Needs more scotch and philandering.

I’m hoping the iPhone 5 has the different form factor people have been hearing about. The iPhone 4 always looked to me like a brick rather than the smooth unibody shapes of the iPad, iPod touch and iPhone 3GS. The first thing I thought when seeing it was "gee, that looks a lot like my old nokia".

@Ian Logsdon: Whaa? That’s ridiculous. How would I even MOUSE! MOUSE! GIVE IT TO ME!

@WetSkeletonz: I know! Get a scratchproof screen for the love of god!

The only downside to this is that when a big budget blockbuster ends up being well-made it’s bloody fantastic. I’d hate to see a world where movies like Inception and the Lord of The Rings trilogy couldn’t get made because they were considered too expensive. Granted, most stories don’t need an epic special effects

It seemed to me that Lucas really wanted a Queen in the story but he didn’t want to make the Naboo seem backwards. So, instead he created an elected monarchy, because democracy is relatable and makes a fictional government look smart and modern. This would have worked if they didn’t elect monarchs that were fourteen

I know! Nothing about it makes any sense. She’s not even elected for life. Her term ended before Episode II and she went on to become a senator. The fact that Jar Jar Binks was elected as a senator as well just further proves that everyone on Naboo is batshit fucking crazy.

Yeah but at the same time you just can’t go leaking company footage and expect to not get reprimanded for it.

@warpwhistle: If you think Angry Birds is all luck then you’re doing something very wrong. Let’s see your three stars, sonny boy :P

My god. By the time I post this a firefly reference will probably already have been made.

Not like Jadzia and Worf: the most badass couple in the galaxy. Doctor Bashir probably cried for a week after they came into his office with all those hatefuck injuries.

Actually in the script and books she’s listed as being fourteen or something. Which leaves the question, why the hell did the naboo elect a 14 year old as their Queen? Well, the visual dictionary answered that question too. Apparently the naboo thought a leader with more innocence would be a good thing.