Snow leopard

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Yeah but Angry Birds managed to take the idea of mundane slingshot system and turn it into complex and engaging gameplay. Crash the Castle, by comparison, was a flash based diversion you could beat in an hour. Angry Birds is the first of such games to actually feel like a fully realized experience.

Now playing

I thought College Humor nailed it on the head pretty well. Out of all the games I've played this year, Angry Birds is the title I've definitely gotten the most enjoyment out of.

I’m actually pleasantly surprised that they’re not putting Lois in the Superman film. I can’t possibly watch another Superman pilot or movie where Lois sticks her nose into something she’s not supposed to and Superman drops everything to save her from Lex Luthor, who now has kryptonite. The fact that we’re not seeing

@Cake_Eater: Fringe has been rather ratings challenged since its start, getting moved to a new timeslot this season. Yet American Idol and Dances With The Stars keep coming back.

Native: By the gods!

@jamesbjenkins: Yeah but all my family and friends are on Verizon and I need some kind of smartphone in the near future. The android phones VzW has right now aren't too shabby but I need something that can sync easily to my itunes and plays infinity blade.

@MaNiFeX: Lol I’m still rocking my $20 samsung flip phone/ ipod touch 2G/ iPad 3G combo. Somewhere between all three of them I’m able to get email, make calls, and listen to workout music.

I finally made the tough decision to wait for the iPhone 5 today. Here’s hoping they release the Verizon version at the same time as AT&T’s in June.

I’m not tremendously surprised by this. Advertising is how networks make their revenue. Of prospective advertisers are going to want to know if people are actually watching their ads. I wouldn’t pay 12 billion dollars for an ad if I knew everyone was just going to skip over it. I’m not saying it’s the right model for

I can understand why you guys put Netflix down. Nevertheless, I still feel that as an actual app it is awful. It’s basically just an adapted version of their website. It’s laggy, the user interface is awkward, and it takes way too long to load. The Hulu app may be a comparative rip off, but it’s a much better example

@Spirit Fingers: "Brisk. Tea. Cold….what do you mean you’re out? Shit. Now I got to replicate Slice."

I know you already have a princess bride quote but

Strange. I never really felt they overlapped that much. Netflix has tv shows, but only the ones at have come out on DVD and they're usually a good year old. Since Hulu has come out for iPad and iPhone I've used Netflix less and less.

Verdicts still out until I see what Snarf looks like.

@Daumier: Hahaha I got that reference!

Who the heck would give a 4th grader an iPad? You realize what damage those kids could do to a thing like that? Heck, just look at the textbooks they return at the end of the year. Soda stains and torn spines every one of them.

@evan7257: What a geek tease that cover is. Sheesh.

I love inception's soundtrack but man am I cheering for John Powell's score in Dragon. That soundtrack perfectly the evokes the sensations of flight, friendship, and innocence. Just listen to test drive and tell me you don't instantly feel like hopping on a dragon and taking to the skies.

I doubt four loco was the sole culprit here but hell, it couldn't have helped. My buddy took a drink of one of those and he immediately started complaining that his heart felt weird.