
I have a handful of friends who tend to share political articles and they’re usually pretty extraordinary. So my rule is to look at the source, and before I even read it, cross check it with, and if it’s clearly from a BS site, lacking any credibility, I’ll post a link to the MBFC assessment in

I saw something the other day, mentioning that Atlanta United had higher attendance at nine of their games in the MBS. Maybe MLS can do MAGA mo’ better.

One girl I dated for a long time had two cats and one apparently didn’t like anyone. So when she said, be careful of her, I just ignored her and that was pretty much like big, neon sign that said, “don’t come near me”. Needless to say, this cat got all into my business. Scored the cat, scored the girl. 

Conservatives here in GA are sweating bullets. I’ve seen plenty of attack ads during election season, but they only unleash attack-ad-hell when the polls are too close for their comfort zone. 

Yeah, that’s no joke. It can mess you up. Those all-nighter things are probably okay when you’re in your early 20s but I can’t do them anymore.

About 10 years ago, I had to work on a freelance project that had me up all night. I was working full time with an interactive agency. There was a ton of development work in

No love for Pip’s, huh?

Voodoo’s a good treat donut for me. My oldest kid lives in Eugene so we try to go that location there at least once, even though we can get some of the same styles out where I live. If I lived in Portland, I’d stop there for “gaming donuts”.

I applaud this effort. I think it’s important for those who aren’t as familiiar with the terminology at least try to understand it. For a long time, I’ve listened to debates decend into chaos because one side uses the wrong terms and then the debate fall apart.

These little darlin’s are just so adorbz. Even more so when you hear the take on the “street” vernacular. They’re the new valley girls.

I haven’t listened in such a long time. Even when it “came back” the last time..I should have mentioned it as an option, though. Radio just sucks here. I’m a SiriusXM like cable compared to OTA.

Best travel times on the downtown connector (I-75/I-85) between 10am and 2:30pm. It’s often a crap shoot. The perimeter is I-285. ITP = inside the perimeter, OTP = outside the perimeter. Watch for ubiquitous ladders in the road. We love watching people change tires and stare at their engines even when they’re on the

Thank you for Tanksplaining

For the first time, it as occured to me that the idea of autopilot becoming the scapegoat for crappy judgement and crappy driving is now a reality. People being distracted by the eye-catching displays in the center console or their smartphones is the let’s just blame auto pilot if we rear-end folks. “It

One of my in-laws just picked that up on some $1 auction site for $2. :/

One of my in-laws just picked that up on some $1 auction site for $2. :/

I like this idea...I also like scheduling 15-20 minutes to be distracted...that lets me check the blogs, social media, email, whatever.

One place I used to work at implemented a daily hour of quiet time where people could focus on responding to email, heavy work, etc. No phone calls, no desk-side chatter, no meetings.


My wife had to use a totally different CU when she traveled and forgot her debit card. One visit to the local CU..boom, cash! She was stoked.

I can’t praise this enough. So worth it...fuck the big banks.

Bokononism - the religion of the people of San Lorenzo in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle”. Not so much my favoriate but it is kind of fascinating and it would be interesting for someone to write a companion book about it, ala The Silmarilan.

“Can I get you to______?”
“If you would_____, that’d be a big help.”

My last car died in 2014. So, I spotted an SUV I was interested in on Autotrader, called the dealer to make sure it was available and went there during lunch to check it out and take it for a test drive. The guy was hyping up this car, asking me what I thought. I asked if i could take it for a drive...his demeanor