
Don't forget your PIN number.

I loathed the first one and refused to watch the second. My wife (aware of the show, not a fan) really enjoyed the first one though. Not sure if she's seen the second, she probably won't tell me if she has unless she's in the mood for some slightly incoherent ranting.

I looked it up. I wish I hadn't.

There should be a Blessed RR, surely?

Oh man, now I can remember my confusion the first few times I listened to 'Monster'…

I'm not sure self-satisfaction is something you should accuse others of, oh wise and knowing guru. Someone's a little too in love with their own perceived specialness I think…

Our summer holidays (long drives in tired cars) were soundtracked by the Eagles and Abba. I feel your pain.

Look up 'Boro Pat' on YouTube…

Black pudding is wrong. But your stance on bacon and sausage is also very, very wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself. You'll be saying you don't like football next.

Thank you, kind sir! (Or madam. Or cat.)

I'd recommend The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. I loved it as a teenager and still do a couple of decades later. His other stuff…not so much.

Late to this discussion (as always) but I just want to chime in on "I've Had It Up To Here". I love that verse and yet the chorus (though absolutely fine) seems like a let down to me - almost part of a different song. And then it becomes a Queen pastiche. So, I think I want to love it more than I actually do. It's a

Being the 43rd President is pretty famous.

That's…a pretty poor article, if I'm honest. I can't really muster up a great deal of sympathy for the poor lamb and some of his arguments are lazy at best (I particularly liked 'the US…is expanding its national healthcare' as a reason for leaving London). If I'm honest though my opinion may be coloured by the opening

Go on, I'll bite: what on earth does any of that actually mean?

I hear the 'you're not alone' thing as a reinforcement that help is out there and an encouragement to reach out for that help. I'm not sure that many depressed / anxious / alcoholic people truly feel that their problems are unique but I strongly suspect that many hold back from seeking help, often from shame /

It does have a useful function as a word though - it's a very good indicator of someone not worth wasting your time engaging with.

Stonemouth by Iain Banks which I enjoyed but I'm not sure I'll go back to. A familiar voice and one that I like a lot but it wasn't in The Crow Road's league. Can you have lightweight Banks?

With bot and fot, according to this thread. I'm English, so I'm confused and a little scared by this. Waught are they on about?

Plenty of love, that album was massive for me at the time and I think it holds up well, although I actually refer Definitely Maybe.