
I didn't think you came off badly with your original comment. People differ greatly and some people can simply take or leave potentially addictive substances. Even alcoholics differ greatly: for some recovery is a daily battle, while for others - like me - drinking is a thing that they no longer do.

So we moved last year from an ordinary suburban garden to something quite a bit bigger, so we're on a pretty steep learning curve. The biggest issue we have is that things like nettles and bindweed are pretty firmly established so it feels like running to stand still at the moment. Nettles just take hard work (and a

Do you recommend anything to keep the little sods off my bird feeders? I've heard cayenne mentioned before, I think.

Absolutely. I mean, apart from the political dynasties that is.

These comments are getting stranger and stranger.

If I was going to pick a song for me it would be 'Take Lots With Alcohol'. But for a funeral, 'You're Dead' might work.

How is Master and Commander - based on O'Brian if not faithful to one particular book - a rip off of Hornblower?

What would you rather be doing right now?

Ross, as the largest friend.


Doesn't sound very Russian…

Earlier I failed to light a fire (I'm claiming the kindling was wet 'on the inside') and I'm now sipping my non-alcoholic fizz while reading the AV Club. This is actually shaping up to be OK as NYEs go. I've had worse times and (although I don't say much) hanging out around here has helped get me through them. I think

And congrats to you, you're doing great!!

My sugar intake went way up when I gave up, and oddly enough my weight went up too! I've finally managed to bring a little more discipline into my diet and that weight has come off fairly easily (more exercise has also helped!). It doesn't hurt that I'm confident enough now to drink non-alcoholic beers, where before I

It's been a pretty tedious day but that made me laugh a lot. Thank you!

I'm sorry, I thought for a moment there you were suggesting that The Specialist isn't terrible.

Congratulations! It's not easy but it's worth it - and it will get easier down the road, trust me.

3) Leverage the franchise

I agree with Persia on this one, but it was still good. There's some very good fanfic out there, and heaven knows I've read enough of it that I'm no longer sure what Potter canon actually is.

I'm a certified British, and you're correct. As to your other point, perhaps Ack_Ack's neighbourhood is full of dead dogs dripping yellow matter custard from their eyes. You never know.