
I just came here to share that we drove past a wind farm today on a still morning and my wife commented brightly that 'someone must have forgotten to turn them on'. I'm not sure how much she appreciated my cry of 'WINDMILLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY' but I certainly enjoyed it.

Sky dominates sports coverage, and that's why I subscribe. I actually couldn't give a monkey's about the rest of their programming. I wonder what percentage of subscribers are coming from a similar standpoint?

But I'm not even on Facebook!

As a 1979-build myself I'm really disturbed about the Good Charlotte thing. I've always felt strongly 'get off my lawn' about that band, and they're the same age as me? Actually, how did you know that anyway?

Oh god, that's a terrible lyric, to the point it actually interferes with my enjoyment of the song. See also: 'the north is to south what the clock is to time'.

I was going to agree with you, because I listened to that album quite a lot, but I just went back and listened again and…oh. Sorry.

I remember…a conga…through Birmingham city centre…and Cliff Richard singing…beyond that, not so much.

Shirley you can?

Shirley you can?

What, even that bit about coveting your neighbour's ass?

I first came to New York in 2000 and walked all over midtown / lower Manhattan without a care in the world, so it's hard to imagine what it used to be like. But I work with a bunch of guys who've been working there for 30 years and more and they tell me it was pretty bad not so very long ago.

Does specifically referencing something actually in the article count as a Mohd tribute? Anyhow, seconded re. The Bends - I think it's their best, but on the other hand I like Sixteen Stone, so what do I know?

Mine hasn't stopped working yet, after about 8 years. None of the album covers match the songs any more, but it still gets me through my commute.

Oh. I didn't know there was one, but I don't like the sound of it.

I still listen to Dookie now. When you're young and working out what you like there are songs that you hear for the first time that make you go 'whoa…this is something' and Basketcase was one of those for me. (Offhand, the others were Once, Drive, Self Esteem, Everything Zen…there were many more of course but for

Is the 'go to them' bit at the end of Gladiator allowed as well?

In the Britpop years Blur were definitely seen as the more arty, white collar band, and Oasis as the working class lads made good. I think 'Parklife' might have been at least partially responsible for the perception of the members of Blur as being a bit 'mockney' - i.e. posh kids pretending. In fact they're neither

"Achaemenid king"…"Did you now?"

But you have, damn you!

Oh no, please not Rhod Rhej, that song's like having sharpened daffodils thrust through my ears!