
Same car, although I've had mine since November. Such a lot of car for the money - we had a hot hatch before but this just a different league. I actually haven't tried it in Sport + yet…haven't needed / dared to!

Under-reporting your number of sexual partners is a thing?!

I used to work with someone who was asked at a company medical how much he drank - the answer was "one or two per day". Drinks? "Bottles dear chap, bottles".

Sounds like we've got very similar cars then, although mine's blue! First time I've bought German - or anything quite that fast - and my word it's been worth it so far.

Absolutely. Is This It was huge and they seemed genuinely important at the time. And yet - for me at least - they haven't really lasted. Mind you, that was probably around the time I stopped paying attention to current music what with work and other such bullshit to worry about. There might be a link there…

No. No it doesn't. It might do. It may very well do when uttered by a sneering middle class person, if it pleases you to make this particular distinction. But it does not simply refer to economic status.

Or even Balance of Terror. Admittedly that's my favourite episode, but it's got some good Spock.

I don't feel fine.

I was just thinking maybe The Galileo Seven…

AV Clubber, devilish sounding, had drunk beer lake. (4,8)


Dead Dave everybody is.

Yeah, I had a friend who used to accompany me for a 'passive smoke break' who'd given up years before.
I used to smoke about a pack a day and probably managed to more than halve that with an e-cigarette, but I couldn't get over the last hurdle. In the end I went cold turkey and I'm informed I was pretty unbearable for

Hmmm…3 years and counting and that smoke still smells pretty good to me!

I liked that one song so much I couldn't risk spoiling it!

Yes, this. She Said and Far…love those tracks.

Didn't they give Be Here Now 5 stars?

I…kinda…still like Sixteen Stone…thereisaidit

The sheer noise from the Oasis / Blur thing drowned everything out, at a time when both of those bands were at their least interesting.

I like this rule, although ruling out only high scores is still unlikely to be sufficient for a World Cup win.