Great. So after my 6-year-old binges My Little Pony, my marathon sessions of Black Mirror will be interspersed with promos for Equestria Girls.
Great. So after my 6-year-old binges My Little Pony, my marathon sessions of Black Mirror will be interspersed with promos for Equestria Girls.
Amazon Prime have done the same thing, they only play once before the first episode you watch and it just means clicking skip.
Amazon Prime have done the same thing, they only play once before the first episode you watch and it just means clicking skip.
That's what made Shatner so great as a kindof deconstruction of his own personality type in Boston Legal.
Luke Heimlich: But I’m just a poor boy and nobody loves me.
This. Thank you. You are absolutely correct.
“It’s not over yet. We still have a chance to come back and win it all.”
That they HAD to line up for the extra point is a goddamn farce.
My dream of a Bortles-Keenum Super Bowl is alive.
QB is unquestionably the most important position in sports. You can’t win consistently without a great QB.
Game of the season? Game of the season. Never seen an ending like that. Don’t think I’ll get rid of the image of Case leading the “Skol” chant at the very end on the field.
Great Catch but I can only imagine Drew barely pulled his head out of the oven to see it
God, I hope Magary pulled his head out of the oven long enough to see that play.
And the Sword of Damocles hanging over the twin cities quadruples in size.
At least I don’t have to wait as long for the next WYTS article.
Literally the fucking WWE-level possible ending to a football game, with a defender taking out the only one of his teammates with a chance to catch Diggs
Somebody confirm Magary didn’t have a heart attack
You and I just witnessed the results of Drew selling his soul.
Is Drew dead
Honestly I am just so sick to fucking death of American Christian church rhetoric. Like I’m so fucking sick of megachurches and smarmy, self-righteous pastors and everyone being so FUCKING INSANE about sex and sexuality. I’m sick of this country’s Pence-yness and I’m sick of disgusting religious nonsense having any…