
The Wii U plays a little birthday charm for you and everyone on the main screen throws their arms up in pure joy for your achievement.

I read an interview with Garry today and he talked a bit about balancing for that kind of stuff, so hopefully we'll see something like that in the future.

U luv Ellie or Clementine more?

I can only agree. If not for Nintendo, gaming wouldn't had been what it is today! And then people are hating on them, saying they will fall... wtf, its like if people started hating on Jesus or something...

Nintendo saves gaming industry. Gamers want them to fail. Jeezus. You guys treat Nintendo like they're a one-night stand. You're thankful for them on one occasion, but you never want to see them again. But once Zelda/Smash comes out you want to rekindle that night just to leave them the next morning.

Snacktaku needs to do a review on this!

That would make me so happy. IX deserves so much more credit than it gets :(

Forza 5 is an emberrassment to the brand, Sorry. It's sad greedy Micro$oft got their hands on it.

Microtransactions. & tailoring game development entirely around it.

I agree, it really does have something to do with their attitude this generation. Resolution does mean more than what the nay-sayers like to think, but it's just part of a whole.

It's pretty simple: PS4 for gamers. Xbox One for entertainment buffs (like my bro, he's more interested in plugging his cable box into a console).

If you spell dog backwards, you get God. Mind blown? Just wait. Racecar backwards is racecar! OMFGBBQ!

Miiverse responses-

I hope things turn around. Hang in there, Alex! We're all rooting for you.*

Now that I know this... I'm even happier and more proud of you.