
Rule #1 of craigslist, always meet in a public place. A cafe, the mall, hell even in front of a police station. If they can't go there then say the deals off. If they agree and at the last minute they say meet me somewhere else, the deals off. And always try to take a friend with you to those things, it really does

Ooooh yes.

That stuffed moogle outfit is rad man, like flea in red hot chili peppers haaaa

Videos are neat, but I just wanted info. For others who just want the data, here you go:

I'm SO hyped for Zelda and SM3DW. A sweet single player and local co-op action on the same day? Yes please.

I don't know if I would single out Christianity here. I was in Italy 10 years ago, which is predominantly Christian (or Catholic? Are we splitting hairs here?) and saw full frontal nudity in a commercial for bottled water! No one around the TV even flinched.... not even my 83 year old grandma...

I thought I would be surprised about the easter egg in the video, but I ended up being more surprised by people's complaints that Nintendo is recycling music. You hear that game developers? Don't try to put in easter eggs from past games or you'll get labeled as lazy.

Well...they're all snuggled-up in bed with the people that made it, if that counts.

EA has a track record.
They have killed a lot of Developers and done a lot of stupid things.
I'm sure there's a list somewhere on the internet.

no, but it is a close relative.

It's totally rational for gamers to hate EA, I can't remember, is EA related to Xbox One?

I wish you guys did a to watch list for English dubbed anime, ya I know the hardcore points their noses up at that, but I for one hate reading subtitles while not watching what's going on, so much that I will not watch a non-dubbed anime probably ever again. I just wanna chill & watch a good anime, I don't care if the

Regardless of anything, the art is incredibly striking & beautiful

Did you know that South Korea sends out more Christian missionaries worldwide than any other country, including the US? I saw them in Bryant Park many times. And I just read an article in the NYTimes about a Korean nearing death in a work camp in China for proselytizing.

Hey Patricia and everyone else! Don't skip Pokemon-Amie! It's actually amazing.

Dammit, I say dammit. Why the hell is there a trend that it's OK to dump on Nintendo, well Wii U not really 3DS? 3rd parties are complaining about sales on Wii U yet they continue to SABOTAGE themselves. Do they even own Wii U's? Do they know the culture? Are they all that tone-deaf? Don't they know that this crap

Yeah I'm more curious about Christmas stuff than sex-worker stuff. Sex-worker stuff seems like the makings for obvious jokes whereas Christmas stuff feels like it's setting it up to be incredibly silly, which is far more my style of humor.