
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether or not GTA Online is worth renewing an Xbox Live Gold account? That plus the game is like $120. (Ya there's a lil cheaper Gold cards online, have to wait for delivery)

Damm, Nintendo is like that dorky kid in skool that everyone (else) made fun of but then in Summer grew 5 inches, muscles, a deeper voice, & can kick ur ass but politely doesn't.

Integral part of the core design of 'any' platformer? No, not New Super Mario Bros U, u can revisit early levels for essentially infinite lives, & it's like that by design. Also, ur making a huge assumption that xtra lives will definitely be offered as paid DLC, why would u take that leap as a journalist? Also, at the

I have no complaints about load times since its been fixed. They're very close to the same as my 360 load times moving around that system.

Wait... the wii u has sluggish menu load times... that's news to me. I picked up a wii u windwaker deluxe bundle and it actually loads faster than my ps3 and xbox360...

Shut up, Luke. The loading times are okay unlike the first few months of release.

And now the rest of their lives will forever suck. Way to go, Muzyka. It'd be like if an alien came down to earth, showed everyone an amazing piece of technology that is far beyond anything they've ever seen, and then just waved and flew away. Everyone eventually drives themselves mad trying to recreate it, and

Diary of Ray Muzkya: The locals really like games. I have agreed to have some more flown in and hooked up to portable generator.

lesson learned

Instructions unclear. I got relish on my penis

What's with the fan service-y pose for a Pokemon game? Just sayin...

Hey Stephen, you should also mention what Miyamoto posted to Miiverse. You might have already mentioned it in another article, idk. He said there are 10 secret messages to be found, and when you get all of them they assemble into some sort of code. He'll come back later to explain how the code is to be used.

I personally i am looking forward the Mario where Mario ends up dieing and you play as Peach being a single mother.

For the children's books, the old style looks like, well, children's books, while the new style looks like a hardcore (scary) acid trip, I'm totally serious. It's bizarre man. I really prefer the children's books to look more normal & relatable for the kids, even tho myself as an adult (& former druggie hahaa) find

I regret looking up stuff for Animal Crossing & playing sooooo much that I'm totally buruned out. I wish I played it more like Patricia. SMT IV was so freakin hard I switched to easy difficulty, & I have never looked anything up yet, not out of some duty, but never felt the need, I just grind for a bit till I'm strong

Anyone know if any of these (or from anywhere) are like Soul Eater? Has its badass moments, is also funny, not over the top pervy, not too deep & cerebral, not too dreary & serious (like Attack on Titan is)?

Meh, she does not interest me, but Tao Okamoto in the new Wolverine movie totally does

I'm really OK with this vid. It's more on the anime-ish cutesy tip than hyper-sexual porn. I enjoyed watching her, laughed at its on-purpose humor, & got a quick refresher on PC parts... & without having to excuse myself for 5-minutes. That's a tough balancing act to pull off.

Fastest bells for me, like Patricia said but more reseting... go to *solo* island, do *one* spin around the island next to the shoreline. *Only* look for sharks & large beetles along the way (I also peek at one tree in the middle real fast). Go in & out of the building to reset. Repeat. So 1 time around in/out = speed.

Seeing Fang has me wishing for 1 thing, I know I'm weird & everyone hates her, but what this series needs is... MORE VANILLE!! Ya, I had it bad for her, this was my phone lock screen for a long while lol