Jesus Christ really? Thnx I'll try
Jesus Christ really? Thnx I'll try
Ya cuz anyone opposed to video games even ultra violent ones are fkking nut jobs huh
WELL ITS KINDA THE SAME IS MY FKKING POINT it's a shame you people are such fkking hypocrites you babblers & Jason & Stephen & Patricia...... but not Tina I luv her :p Edit: idc if kotaku kicks me off I'm so fed up with this shyte
ur such a *** I hate twisted words shyte ya sure buddy that's precisely what I meant
that's your opinion good job
Nice maybe I will 'go soak my head' thanks
I was kracking up thru the whole read, nicely written Keith, so vivid
Good point
I agree 100% about your idea on people who use religion, but I doubt if that's what's truly being said. Oh well. Just be sure to not talk about LGBT people in the same light because then Kotaku & all of their followers will bash the fkk out of you.
Is it just me or does it seem like this parody account pegs church, God, & Jesus as the dumbasses?
Everyone knows a guy that's purely an azzhole & when confronted their words dance around like this guy's when all we wanna hear is that they'll stop being an azzhole. EA, just stop being azzholes. Please.
It's a classic case of switching the definition of terms that lawyers are masters at see you got switched the two terms 'beta tester' & 'sucker lol' :p
That was like the vid of shame like on Judgement Day satan will pop in this video, point at me, & everyone watches & laughs :/
I'm a fkking idiot I cannot figure out why they would gimp the graphics... so console owners won't feel bad?
I don't understand how they can't appoint a dedicated team to hit the ban button repeatedly. Especially gold site spammers, how can they not see them in chat & easily ban?
Ya know if it's totally expected that ppl r gonna behave that way & it's totally considered part of the gameplay then it doesn't seem so harsh, I just might take the plunge & try EVE ... not like the early days of Ultima Online after getting murdered by a deer a passerby would *gasp* loot my corpse!!! Devastating.....
If they adopt a Guild Wars pay scheme I'd play
DS2 isn't for everyone, I put over 100 hrs into it & I feel exactly the same as this dude: the amount or value of accomplishment I felt after learning how to beat whatever boss was minuscule compared to the level of absolute frustration dying a googlplexibillion times. For others, that balance is shifted the other…
One of the new housemates at my place is a Japanese international student & we started talking about RPGs & comparing Skyrim to games like Shin Megami Tensei IV, I commented that I think Americans like the freedom & immersion of Skyrim, like if I go to a shop to buy a sword I wanna actually 'go there' not just pick…