
That is killer cool man. Can't pony up for another XL tho. Ppl should look into high quality decals instead, plus they protect against scratches & can be easily swapped for another. This is mine:

I have not read much & have seen nothing about this case, only 2 articles, so I'm ignorant of the facts, but just off the top, the only account I've read about what actually happened, what was actually typed, & what actually has happened to the guy in prison, was given by his *father*. Now, that's not good enough to

Gawd the music is amazing, like acid indie or something, I'd be totally into it

I love Francis (the character of). He's killer funny, AAA comedian, but also, he's highly intelligently sneaky smart on the gaming issues, love it :]

Tryin my damnest to get this guy to move out lol

Ooh, look at me, I'm a loner and an individual in a sea of conformity. No one understands my unique vision. Woe is me.