She will revolutionize the education system with her learning annex seminar series “How to Spend Millions of Dollars and Still Look Cheap and Tacky”
She will revolutionize the education system with her learning annex seminar series “How to Spend Millions of Dollars and Still Look Cheap and Tacky”
Also, my desire to not have my date’s head level with my breasts (the 5'5 guy) doesn’t make me a bad person. I could also have a wider dating pool if I didn’t care about personality or life ambitions. It wouldn’t have found me a mate sooner to eliminate those personal preferences either. The goal of dating is to find…
Actually I’m 5'10, I can only wear under 2 inch heels because I’m not exactly graceful when I try to balance on higher. I think you have a huge block when it comes to this issue. I’ve had plenty of men who have told me they only date white or Asian women because of their smaller size. It’s not something I’ve…
Men are the same way. I can’t tell you how many times I got turned down because of how I look. Everyone has a type and you can’t take it personally when people express their type. It took me a long time to find Mr Snooki because I’m not 5'2" and thin and it seemed like the men I was interested in (tall guys) wanted…
I can see that. One of the other commenters pointed out the machismo that seems to come with Mexican men. I grew up with a white dad and wasn’t close with my uncles so I never experienced it first hand but it makes sense.
I know this is probably not what you’re looking for but I’m really obsessed with microsoft’s solitaire app. It’s so basic and mindless, it reminds me of when I used to waste time playing solitaire and minesweeper back when the internet wasn’t really around yet.
It’s one of those names that I think people get wrong a lot. My brother is 14 and is totally used to it now, add in our Scottish last name and people automatically assume that “Vicente” is spelled wrong and call him Vincent
I think it’s Vicente. My mom was a very big fan of his and named my youngest brother Vicente.
I never dated Mexicans either and I’m mixed. It had nothing to do with their color or heritage. It was always more because I’m nearly 6ft tall when I wear heels and it always felt weird to date men that were way shorter than me.
No no no, your response is much too reasonable, it must be false.
That’s the way they tell the story. He definitely would have been at work that day and I guess his office was close to where the plane came in so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Thanks, I asked the question because I have no clue how that whole process would work. It make sense that the U.K. would follow the proper protocol for this. It just feels like a very Trump thing to do to help out a “friend” who could potentially help him.
The only benefit I see is if he’s gunning for some sort of asylum from either the US or Russia. Then sticking with the Trump friendly version of events would be in his best interest
Serious question, would Trump be able to give Assange asylum? I know he’s living in an embassy right now and that’s got to suck. So if it was possible to gain asylum from the US then it would make sense and be in his best interest to stick with the most Trump friendly version of events.
I keep hoping that when Vanity Fair does their First Lady cover with Melania, that they put a headline like “Life with a short figured vulgarian” or some other awesome burn, I’d be a subscriber for life
They act like all the writers have no lives of their own. They are shocked that the writers aren’t sitting by the tv or on the internet 24/7.
My friend’s husband was working at the pentagon and the only reason he’s still alive is because her birthday is 9/11. In 2001 they were in Hawaii on vacation for her 30th birthday.
Time to start my business plan