
A dramatic work of fiction? Uh he was sued by his CFO and settled, he was sued by the Winklevoss’ and settled out of court, it was well documented his issues with women and his treatment of employees of the company. Add in the vile & disgusting Peter Thiel and I fail to see what parts of this story are fiction. The

Recently watched the film The Social Network again recently and after the results of the last three years it pretty much left me shaken. The signs that this man was emotionally damaged jumped off the damn screen. Jesse Eisenberg gave a great look into a man that was cold, insecure and hellbent on getting revenge on

Yeah, how about no. You are putting a device into a seat that was never meant to be there. Don’t be a dick or a passive agressave asshole. Talk to the person. If they don’t under stand then they are the dick instead of you.

...and people who buy, use and recommend these things can all burn in hell....

You have to be a real asshole to buy and attempt to use one of these.

Yes they do. I caught some asshole doing that to my seat - I travel every week - when they went to the bathroom, I pulled it out and buried it inside the meal they had just ordered.

Fuck you.

Boo-hoo, a stranger on the internet couldn’t use their brain like a civilized human to come up with a reasonable retort to my comment, and instead called me a bad name. Waaahhh.

“How to start a fight on an airplane”.

When these first came out I remember reading a story about it getting used on a flight, and the person who used it got punched in the face. And in a great case of actual social justice, nothing came of it because everyone agreed such a devise definitely constitutes what is considered a "dick move" and retaliation was

Agreed, what the hell is wrong with taking shoes off as long as your feet are clean and don’t smell? People across the world take their shoes off and are in socks when they walk into people’s homes, so what’s wrong with doing it on a plane that you’re stuck on for untold hours? Sorry if the sight of socks offends you,

And if my seat won’t lean back, that’s the first thing I will check, and I’ll give it to the flight attendant.

If you get caught it’s going to get you kicked off the plane. I suppose that also solves the problem of being reclined into by the guy in front. 

Just throwing this out there: If someone used one of those things on my seat, they’d have to fight me to get it back.

fuck that, if i’m stuck on a plane for 12 hours I WILL take my shoes off.

those things start fights, and theyre easy to break. and its now considered tampering with an aircraft in operation and banned. 

From your link: “All major U.S.A. airlines and others such as Qantas and Virgin Australia have banned the devices.” So good luck with that.

No to mention that a white gun nut with an assault rifle in a Walmart was “taken into custody,” while a black man with a bb gun in a Walmart was summarily executed without so much as a “drop it.”

Spot on but antifa is not an acronym, and it’s usually only put in all caps by the far right. It’s a German word, which is itself a shortening of Antifaschistische Aktion, which was formed in 1932 to fight the Nazis.
