
This is some major revisionism. In 1999 critics LOVED American Beauty. It was the #1 movie for many critics, “top” or otherwise. So to pretend the film has always somehow being triumphed when it shouldn’t have is nonsense. People genuinely liked it on initial release because of how different it was. It, unfortunately,

Unpopular opinion: Am I the only one who thinks the creepy stuff Spacey has done in his personal life should have zero effect on people’s judgement of his performance in this film?

It goes unmentioned in this article that Spacey snaps out of his indeed creepy infatuation with Suvari when she tells him this will be her first time.  He very much has a “holy shit what am I doing??” moment.

(This is why you’re mad? Because your wife doesn’t want you to spill beer on a couch?)

Why does everyone assume that we’re supposed to think the video is profound as the audience? I guess the musical cue is serious, but it’s a video being made by a sullen, overdramatic teenage boy. Of course it’s dumb.

I still think this is a great movie, and my favorite of that year. And I don’t think the movie endorses Spacey’s crush with Suvari’s character, it always seems creepy and his character is supposed to look pathetic in his efforts to look cool. And yeah, the guy turned out to be a creep, and he deserves the backlash he

A lot of progressives have shown themselves to be scarily susceptible to propaganda and disinformation.

To paraphrase Iron Man’s stint in a prior movie - never go full Bernie.

I mean, it’s still New York State. All the yokels that live outside of our cities who mew about how Upstate NY should secede from NYC have no idea what it would be like if they suddenly became fucking Alabama or Mississippi.

So, I live in Syracuse (Cicero, where the murderer is from, is one of our northern suburbs... basically where people my age who are terrified of the city move to send their kids to school). I grew up about halfway between Syracuse and Utica.

So. I have family members that have battled opioid addiction as well, and they don’t live in NYS. The issues you are talking about are not exclusive to central NY alone. I’m really sorry to hear about your family’s struggles, but if you think the only two places they are/can obtain drugs is Utica and Lyons, then you

I live in Utica, NY. I moved here from Manhattan. For you to make a blanket statement about the area is not only inaccurate but it’s offensive.

You’re correct, but the whole rotten redneck subculture stretches up to and through western new york. I live in the middle the two, and it’s not a pleasant place to be a woman on her own.
