
With one of our cats: Exposed Belly = false sense of security death trap.

A whole Overlord Unit in training. *cowers in fear*

I want traps like hers

Ah good to know! Never got around to playing it.

Wait wait wait.... XI was successful? Sorry a little late to the party. Have never heard anything but derision towards it.

But did they have rupees?

No it takes simply a different person. It is easier to celebrate the death of a hated person than to be sympathetic. I like that it's a fairly humble approach rather than a ding dong the witch is dead dance.

Can agree 100% on the kids in TWD. Loving the show but I want to smack Carl like the petulant brat he is.

That's what I'd be making. Get some rye in there, maybe some rolled oats....

Dem abs....

The list will only grow in between fights with super being things.

Yah but he's going to love Thai food when he tries it.

Hahahahaha.... oh man, even after surviving WWII and coming home, if my grandfather had of treated my gram with that level of "manliness" in '45 she'd have kicked his yarbles up to his eyebrows.

As usual Takei.... reminds us all to be loving humans again. <3

I cannot star this enough

A star for Ragnar!

I just can't get over this smile

She found that girls quickly give up when given something new and complex. Boys, on the other hand, see it as a challenge and are more likely to try again instead of throwing in the towel

You can only really be ashamed if you DIDN'T get some.

Not from the big stores. Just from smaller shops.