
@robpctech1: This is the Charmeleon version of SJ. (We're cool so I can call him that.)

I have a feeling this is just a portion of the training video you watch in the back room after being hired by Giz.

You know there was at least ONE doctor who inserted pictures of himself in a scantily clad cowboy outfit into those tests.

Its sad when KIRF's look better than some of the stuff the big boys are churning out.

Now playing

Scroll to 8:10 for a little "One Week" from Apple.

She's was caught rummaging through the dumpster outside, looking for old discarded earbuds to make a thong out of.

After reading the headline, all I can picture is this.

Way to go tempt me with a promise of "Unlimited Any Mobile" Plans for Louisiana...and you exclude the 337? You dirty girl.

Looking for a MotherBoard from the Mother Country?

The leaked Thor trailer looks awesome!

Now playing

I prefer Jason's video reviews much better.

Wait, you can get PAID to do this?!

Was Jason fighting that athiest guy? Or was it Edwin Kagin.

Didn't Futurama already cover this?

Well, at least we'll get a good soundtrack out of this.

I think he left his high beams on.

Obviously, this is just a viral marketing campaign for Predators.

Why is there a picture of Louis Anderson looking at my insulation?