I better not be the only one who thinks Chris was murdered by Gizmodo to drum up more "3D" news...
I better not be the only one who thinks Chris was murdered by Gizmodo to drum up more "3D" news...
Looking out of the door in the photo, the cops seem to be doing a rigorous investigation sitting out on that deck.
Texting, fighting with pencils, passing notes to one another that say "I Know What You Did Last Summer"...if you dont want to pay attention, you dont have to.
I look into his eyes and all I see....is HIM.
While you all have the luxury of learning the history of the Alamo and the Standard Oil Company in your state history, as a Louisiana resident, I have to sit and listen to over 200 years of f**k ups. Who Dat!
@meatbag_pussrocket: I enjoyed your well-thought out and highly poignant response. However...did they really have to put Citric Acid in it's nose? I mean come on! What kind of science is that!
Id expect this find of nightmare inducing information from /b/. But not you Giz. Not you.
If this story is about the Beatles, then why is the story image George Takei in a ridiculous hat?
He's probably trying to figure out who keeps yawning.
It all makes sense now.
If you zoom in even more in the first picture, you can see The Magical School Bus.
From now on, when Giz has any posts revolving FaceTime, Rosa and Jason have to be shopped into the header image. I DEMAND it.
Taking bets now on the name. iOSX or OS X Lion. Take your pick.
Massimo Vignelli and his male associates all shop at the Goodwill Steve Jobs visits.
Brian, can I just say reading your Instant Queue selection makes my heart weep with nerd joy. May I suggest "Summer Heights High"? Just got done with it and I consider it required viewing.
Man, Tron: Legacy is going to kick ASS!
So, walking to the bathroom in the dark will be THAT MUCH MORE dangerous?
That kid enjoys a good breastmilkshake.