
Im feeling like Im paying a dominatrix instead of a mobile provider.

Pinball Machine...load up Celery Man please...

You amateurs are thinking small. I'm going to write my name on the moon.

Isn't this a boss from Dead Space?

You guys dont know the answer to the fix?

Wasn't there a serial killing clown named Edd White?

How to piss off a Kinect user? Show them their damn receipt.

Now playing

I believe Robot Chicken already tackled the one question anyone wants to ask.

How come they gotta compare the black one's huh? Howcumma white peripheral can't be compared?

Q: What To Do If Your iPhone and iPad Disappear on Trash Day?

Really? All this talk about enhancing and Smiling Bob isn't mentioned once?!

I hope Microsoft does adopt this standard. That way I can place the first "Nude Kinect Facetime Call" to Jonathan Ive.

This article should have had more weight to it before it was posted. This feels like someone said "Come see the changes we've made to the house!"

The picture looks like we're looking through the eyes of one of those Pedo Monks.

I've never seen Lenny Kravitz so clearly before! Never knew he had a lip mole... the iPhone 4 IS magical!

Will everyone who clicked this article read just the headline and then the probability?

@seizurelitezrfun: I agree wholeheartedly. All anyone has is a vibe. There hasn't been a single conclusive piece of evidence confirming any rumor involving the two. Although I think Apple is second guessing it's relationship with AT&T. She's turning out to be a golddigging bitch who hardly puts out.

It feels like Verizon and Apple are like friends whom everyone is convinced slept with one another. They keep denying it, there's no proof, but when you get around them, you get the vibe they did.