
You misspelled “sarin.”

I know right? Why even bother with it. She will get all her monies back including deductible since she isn’t at fault.

Hong Kong and Singapore are always ranked at the very top in terms of global economic freedom. Yet large portions of their population live in government housing.

In Freakonomics the authors did prove that low level drug dealers often earn sub-minimal wages.

A decade ago I swore I’d never use the word “cult.”

I'd think A69 should appeal to people of all genders and orientations.

*1.6km High Club

Judge Roy Moore has entered the chat.

I can't believe it's not Florida.

TIL Norris = Einstein

PA is pretty prolific on paleontology. I fully expect their next discovery to be Whateveris wawa-i.

Sir Lewis’ 7 titles made Piquet Sr. jelly.

Same here. LGA went from “worse than some jungle airstrip in South America” to being the same level as East Asian airports.

Forensic science in Floriduh:

I want to follow Utah for all things alcohol like I want to catch syphilis.

And what kind of manly man would “fear for his life” if someone throws a water bottle at his car?

These lawyers are saints compared to Mother Teresa.

Don't fuck Florida. They will procreate.

My good friend, Ash Vandelay, was also at the event — and she nabbed some great clips during her live Twitch stream of the event.”

The [median] settlement for a crash jumped from an average of $9,000 in FY 2012 to $50,000 in FY 2021.”