
I was the first jumper in the door on a C130 once at 1,000 ft. Wind was not that bad.

Nice one guys.

Yes. You just described what a news aggregator does. Well done.

When I think of Tina Turner and something about automobile, I think of Beyond The Thunderdome. Granted, there weren’t a lot of cars in that one.

Naw the 13 year old video game player would be your best bet 

Surely you can’t be serious.

I’m shocked, SHOCKED that anyone could ever possibly have a beef with a car dealership. They treat everyone so respectfully and fairly after all./s

Dear greedy dealers who have been screwing your customers for YEARS now: FUCK you. No, seriously... F-U-C-K. Y-O-U. No sympathy from me whatsoever. In fact, I can’t WAIT until the traditional dealership model - along with all of the same old tired bullshit games they’ve been playing for DECADES - is dead and buried

When I started driving years ago, I got a valuable lesson. The car next to me had stopped and I just drove through. There was someone crossing the street and I fortunately didn’t hit them. Lesson learned - when you see a vehicle stopped - even if there is no crosswalk, at least slow down and look around.

The lesson I

Dealers are upset they need to offer incentives after a few years of hyper-aggresively fucking over customers.

Thinking Pinkman and his new crew in Alaska need to settle a dispute with some “elk meat” distributors.

Dealers can F themselves. They deserve eternity in fiery pit of hell. Additional Dealer Markup, Vin etching, nitrogen in tires, inflated doc fees, paint protection, mandatory tint, fabric protection, and the list continues on dealer profit schemes to rape and pillage the consumer.


I just knew Florida Man was involved!

This is a sad and terrible loss. I, for one, will in my heart forever carry the spirit of that Cessna.

Jesus called, Mark answered.

Liquor in the front, poker in the rear... Big Johnson Casino....

<slow clap>

How Evinrude.