Alternative explanation: the check from CATL hasn’t arrived.
Alternative explanation: the check from CATL hasn’t arrived.
Move over Tom Brokaw*. Kyle Clark’s coming to town.
Two certain former Jalopnik writers can fill it up pronto.
Should have turned it into an event space, so they can host CPA and DDS conventions.
+1. She filed a lawsuit. It’s now public record. There’s no need to respect her privacy.
It will get you a year in a NJ jail, unless the former hospital where you chaired the diagnostics department bails you out.
It probably doesn’t have to do with CCP.
The question I have is that how on earth could she prove she contracted it while in the insured vehicle, and nowhere else?
“They emit 30% of the world’s CO2 (2x the US), more than any other country.”
In the year 10BC (Before Covid) we went to Thailand. A 6 year old from Hong Kong was downing full strength Thai green curry like soda.
NP, barring planet-sized red flags upon in-person viewing.
“ Last time we went to a McD’s, it was because we were traveling with the in-laws, and they are picky eaters. He won’t eat anything ethnic and she won’t eat anything with flavor.”
Too much corn in the Glory hold.
It loosely translates to “aspire.”
It would involve a one-time purchase of Saw-z-all, Bondo, and rattle cans.
Well, Texas is right across the puddle from Colombia’s finest.
To be honest I have NO idea they still sell them new.
I *love* saying this wherever I can. There are more Trump voters in New York City than there are people in many red states.