
*insert Gym Jordan joke here*

In line with the Texas law about third parties suing abortion providers, can we sue the voters who elected these assclowns if they take away our pr0n?

A senator from Utah proposed a similar law on a nationwide scale last year as well as attempt to establish “...a national definition of obscenity that would apply to obscene content that is transmitted via interstate or foreign communications.”

Or you can check with Berkshire Hathaway.

Ah, the Vatican. When child molestation wasn’t even the worst thing you did in recent years.

I was just talking to missus and kids about Michael Schumacher, Grant Imahara (Mythbusters), and Colin McRae just a couple days ago.

I was so close to getting a 2009 CPO 535xi wagon, in 2011. It had less than 25k miles and was listed for $35k.

So much this. There’s nothing unfortunate about this. Even I know if I can’t clear the crossing, I shouldn’t even have entered to begin with.

China hacks OPM and NSA hacks Huawei, and them Russians are going after airport taxi stands?

My cable TV remote broke several years ago. I didn’t even bother asking for a new one.

It hurts every fiber in my body to type this, but The Sun is even worse than The New York Post.

Even China, the bona fide manufacturing juggernaut, doesn’t think they are ready for the NA market.

You know it’s just for the puns, don’t you?

Not sure if it still exists, but there was a TV channel in Canada that catered towards recent immigrants, to help them assimilate.

This is nuts. Someone needs to be sacked.

How do you say “the second best day of owning a yacht” en Italiano?

If I’m a Russian oligarch and my yacht is only worth $700k, I’d want to vanish too.

Iberian ham or GTFO.

Spain rolled over for Morocco in Doha. Sure these folks think Spanish immigration is just as impotent.

Especially the one based in Wolfsburg. Because human survival depends on it.