
Italian-inspired superleggera package.

I’d think normally when you interact with dealerships, the f**cking is in passive voice.

We have all these surplus MRAPs. Just park a few on each end of the bridge when these clowns show up. Let them try to ram it.

Remember when the Jerry and Becky story broke out? Half of the late night comedians were joking about the school admin. They must be thankful that the poolboy was doing her while Junior liked to watch.

Well we found out said persons name and I offered to sign him up for a TON of really really hardcore gay porn and the like and mail it to his house, for his wife and kids to find, she said no.”

I think the Postal Office handles passport applications. I got the appointment for the kids within a week. 

The express bus is $6.75. They make pre-recorded announcements, saying that fare evaders face a penalty up to $100.

TIL racecar drivers get CTE too.

Spilling in a VAG normally results in child support payments.

DUMBO and Brooklyn Heights? What a bunch of wimps. I dare them do it in Crown Heights and East New York.

I see what you did there.

A running LC with no rust at 4 figures? Fuck Yeah.

I read it as “dildo” at first.

“Didulo, an unemployed 60-something immigrant to Canada from the Philippines”

I guess ambulance chasers didn’t exist when these were installed. 

My car is capable of going 0-60 in about 5 seconds.

It’s as hard to predict as the Sun rising in the east tomorrow. 

I gave up after #4. I almost walked out of the movie theater.

I envy his innocence.

An English football media connoisseur, I reckon.