
It’s sad that Jalopnik’s coverage of F1 has trickled to almost nothing in the last few years. But it’s tragic that whenever we do get F1 coverage, it’s from this author. Who must hate F1. Or find it elitist. Or god only knows what. But every article Bradley writes about F1 is full of needless snark and poorly informed

“ infinite number of Lee Paces”

Sold Toyotas for a decade, wowza ( Did I mention one of the top Venza salespeople in Canada, ask me about it )... let me tell you guys about ‘Scion’

Funny story, in another life, I was one of the top Toyota Venza sellers in Canada, I worked for a multi-brand dealership group and once got invited to a pre-launch event setup by Honda which included salespeople training for the Crosstour. The people at Honda were psyched to have a Crossover which would finally put

Was always more of a Bissli fan, especially the Onion and BBQ flavors.

If only Jalopnik hadn’t spent the last few years ignoring their content, limiting themselves to writing lazy alphabet soup on ‘grand tour trailers’ instead of covering some of the actual pretty epic stuff the grand tour was doing (fine, not all winners) like the Lancia piece, the Mongolia special, season 3 in general

 They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.

Typically you don’t get the crabs from just a Hummer

Aim for a guitar with a quality setup, cheaper chinese yamahas are just chinese or indonesians imports overglossed and with mediocre action, nut carving and fretwork, I worked as a luthier and those cheap Yamahas are ghastly when you don’t take your time to go through a dozen of them, I saw the same stuff on their

Aim for a guitar with a quality setup, cheaper chinese yamahas are just chinese or indonesians imports overglossed

I’m an old school type of guy. ‘So let it be written. So let it be done.’ is my go-to.

In other words they’ll have a uniq sliq physiq, so to spiq.

Thank you. This ep was a B at worst. Loved the last 15 minutes.

And Tada had also said we’d see a convertible 86 variant, maybe even a Fastback, jesus for a while there he had spoken about a whole family of cars on the platform. He even said some designers and engineers were working on their spare time designing the cars.

The C8 Corvette is going to be such an incredible problem for this car.

Well to be fair, there wasn’t a black man involved. 

OK, I’ll ask: what’s with the hair?

Actually the switch panel is in the correct orientation. The rest of the car is backwards.

(Imitates Southern accent) If there be someone misrepresentin’ these here racin’ cars that...

Was at the show spoke to some Toyota plebs. the reason why Toyota tuned their engine differently is reliability. They think that their tune puts less stress on specific ‘high stress’ components, especially after their extensive testing, especially in cold weather. They think that in the long run,people who tune this

For years now, CarMax has been treating both buyers and sellers like children. Sale prices too high, but non-negotiable. Buying prices too low, and also never budge on those.