
The number of people rushing over to help is actually quite heart-warming.

Scion SUV

Well, guess I'll have to ask Tavarish what I should buy instead of this.

7. Biting Hard Into Your Steering Wheel: Why It Feels So Damn Good

Oh, and it won't be cheap – the fully specced one Henry tested cost, and I hope you're sitting down for this, $80,000. So, you could have this, or a Z06. Take your pick?

Well, since this is too extreme for racing and Ferrari has the also too extreme FXX program, why they don't get together, convince Porsche to do a "carrera GT" 918 and make the most advance racing series in the world?

Sucker-punching from behind is so courageous, manly, grown-up, and above all smart.

"A big-ass truck. Any of the newer ones will do, as long as it's a crew cab and a higher trim level. Since you're up off the ground, you can see farther ahead, which helps you determining if the traffic jam is clearing up, or you're going to be there for a while. If you need to change lanes, just put your blinker on

I enjoy driving my E30 more than my newer BMW's mainly because of the lack of weight, ABS, and electric steering. The new electric steering is just simply terrible. If I want AWD I'll buy a Subaru.

So they'll be even heavier, more complex, and even costlier than they are now.

It makes a certain kind of sense, but only in a context of "more power is always an improvement/the most appropriate way to increase performance."

Well they sort of spoiled the purity of the steering already with the electric assist, so might as well add AWD.

Honestly they are already kind of understeery, it happens when a car weighs 4600 pounds.