
There seems like quite a lot of time to slip back on that brake....

And what about:

and making sure your climate control adequately filters the smell of poverty from the cabin.

There once was a Mazda in Texas

Yamaha OX99-11.

Honda is the largest engine manufacturer in the world and they have arguably created some of the most badass engines ever. I'm sure they know what they're doing.

Wait, I will get to choose between this and the Scrambler . . . that's going to be a lot of fun. Can't wait to see what the production models look like.

These are the type of articles I don't get on any other auto website. Thank you, and please don't change.

Sigh. Sigh. Best do some research, or make sure you're facts are in order before spatting off at the mouth. Any engine variable needs to be based off displacement. once this is taken into consideration the torque outputs are quite similar. It's all math. HP is just a function of how fast you can turn your torque

Not true. Look at the torque/liter outputs. Very similar. Hondas simply have no torque because their market doesn't demand big sporty engines.

398LBft of torque is about as much as a G8 GT and is eclipsed by the base Corvette by about 10%. My little ol' Dakota with the 4.7 out torques the 360 Modena. :)