
Considerate lane splitter here. Not a unicorn.

But they aren’t in the same line as you. It just happens to be that their line is moving faster because there are less people in it.

Here is how I think of it:

You are going through the bank drive-through and you’ve forgotten your ATM card, forcing you into the teller-attended line.

Now, as you are sitting there, 5


Aww...your feewings get hurt because somebody gets there before you?

No, what’s wrong with lane splitting? It should be legal in all states. Just fuck people acting like dicks.

The same object that is more difficult to see is now out of the way of most fender bender collisions that happen in rush hour traffic.

if youd rather sit in a car stuck in rush hour traffic just so you can text, drink your starbucks, eat your breakfast thats your choice.

It actually does ease congestion and studies have proven that. I agree that many motorcyclists are inconsiderate and this is unfortunate. I used to live in Europe and most of them there who lane split (which is like all of them) were very considerate as was I.

Lane splitting is legal in Cali just fyi

Yeah because God forbid someone whowas previously behind you gets to their destination faster than you. Lane splitting eases congestion on the highway, you should be thanking motorcyclists for doing this. Of course this guy is an asshat, but not because he was splitting.

It is possible that this car is not a Mustang at all. Notice that there are no pedestrians anywhere near the point of impact.

Clearly one of the tires was slightly under-inflated.


I would be salty too if I drove a Chrysler.

Nope, pretty sure it makes that noise because it’s a Chrysler. It also does it when going forward or park. Sometimes with engine off.

There’s another important advantage of herringbone gears. Straight-cut gears, as you pointed out, tend to be noisy. Helical gears are quieter, but because of the angle of the teeth, they produce axial thrust when under load - they want to move sideways along the shaft, or to push the shaft sideways. This necessitates

Happy Friday, and remember: if it ain’t a Type R, it ain’t a tight car.

If only somebody would just make a car that already had an LS in it.

Slow down.

Because my voice deserves to be heard as well. So yes, #notallchristians with ZERO shame. I'll #notallchristians all day erry day.