
I used to have one of these. This would have to be one of the best 400 Fours in the country to be 6k. A perfectly running, immaculate one should be 4 tops I think. I love this model, but this is too much.

that video is too “Top Gear” - move the camera, change shots all the time, basically don’t let the audience know what is going on. Could barely get a good look at the cars.

This is the only detail I’d want over the standard F12. The front and the back are just too busy and bulky.

Less weight and more power would be great. And a cheaper, smaller-engined “base” model.

get a WRX and clutch desperately at your fading youth

with slight reservation on the grille and lights... this looks amazing. Please make it to America

One this nice should almost be in a museum, or at least garaged and maintained perfectly. It would be awesome to be driving this in 10, 20, 30 years time in the same like-new condition.

Ask me in twenty years what an LFA costs

People have some for a wide variety of reasons. Ex: I like Honda because of how it was founded and who founded it. I dislike VW for similar reasons.

As an American, I will saltily star your comment

Any 3 row, 6000lb car that you NEED to occasionally carrying your family, but mostly have to give you a sense of security/superiority at the expense of everyone around you.

Since it’s an original/old Abarth, I wouldn’t count that as product placement.

I have an [redacted]

snarky and condescending, I believe

Put restrictions on vehicle mass: tax, restrict “commercial vehicle” use, etc. That would be safer for everybody on the road. People think they have to have a big SUV to be safe but they are putting everyone else in greater danger by doing so and that leads to a never ending cycle.

dat color doe...