
if you can survive the test drive, you win

seen fleeing the country

This song is one of my favorites. Today is a good day.

It’s Mansory, not Masonry. Also, that is a disgrace.

can anyone confirm or deny the blow dryer/dry ice dent trick?

plaid seats + stick = respect


Or get the Sedona. Seriously the best looking mini-van on sale today.

I’d keep the stock exhaust. Always thought the CBR’s looks slick

No, but I doubt it will be anything more than a model. And besides all of that, will they produce any? The Atom is a production car. We’ll have to wait and see.

It’s a computer generated concept, so saying it’s “here to slay the Ariel Atom” is using the word “here” very liberally.

wretched bastard son of a wagon, begone

It’s like a tall Flying Spur. No surprises. No excitement. They will sell loads.

not gonna even go there today

this one is all about the ladies.