
who do you think you are? Patrick George?

HD quality over BMW quality?? I dunno man, I think BMW puts plenty of thought into their forms, what their riders want, etc.

SMH that reporter should check out the Great Falls Cars and Coffee sometime. Lots of people, young/old, men/women, old cars, new cars, fast cars, slow cars. Car culture is very alive in the DC area. The Washington Post can bugger off.

It’s all about the #brand. When you have a strong enough brand you can get away with sub-par anything (New Beetle, “new” Mini, BMW, 90’s Mercedes, etc etc). The Harley brand is also nearly inseparable from the cruiser/bagger image. So if you want that image, you get a Harley, even though there are many other

interesting enough and in nice condition. But the price has to come down a bit for that kinda mileage. CP

“Least Lamborghini” is a little unfair. Part of Lamborghini’s history is GT cars, 4-seaters, SUVs. “Lamborghini” has become a caricature of itself, with one-dimensional wedges in bright colors. What I’m saying is... Lamborghini, make the Asterion.

seems like a pretty even split between the German three based on what I see in NoVa. I tend to notice the BMWs more, but I guess that’s more to do with turn signals.

Having a +100k convertible is definitely a good method for giving jealous people a face to hate.

in the bush... or a bush... something to do with bushes

If any of these bikes had a round headlight that would totally swing it for me.

But doesn’t making your license plate and signals less visible border on dangerous and illegal?

meh I don’t get why people care about their turn signals and license plate brackets. Looks fine to me

It pains me to say it because when I was a kid I loved these. The exterior is amazing. The rest is trash.

It’s nice to see Toyota taking design risks especially with its bread and butter. Nissan is doing a good job of it too. If only Honda would do the same...

The video was the key to his arrest but we’ve barely scratched the surface of his motive.

I prefer the sedan and wagon