Sorry- computer froze and I replied to the wrong comment.
Sorry- computer froze and I replied to the wrong comment.
Editors can only edit what you give them. The saddest part, for me, was having Jenelle freak out over watching Jace (when Babs was going to NJ to help Jenelle’s sister), because it was the first day of her “Spring Break Trip” with her current boyfriend, as well as her blatant drug seeking behavior. I agree with…
I am so sorry for your loss. I carry the gene for shizophrenia and bipolar (and have people in my family that have one or the other) and you are correct: the stigma is awful, but waking up day to day with a diagnoses of schizophrenia is, to me, is the definition of valiant.
THIS. After working in therapeutic group homes with kids everyone else has given up on, I just want to scream to the world: PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS STILL HAVE VALUE AND THEIR LIVES DO TOO.
As a huge fan of the books (you know this) I couldn’t have pictured a more perfect man than Sean Bean. No “Southern Jessie” could have done Ned Stark justice like he did. I like Catelyn Stark, which may be an unpopular opinion. She did what she thought was best for her children and hated Jon because he was a constant…
Winter is a time for perseverance, and Stark means Strong. It was nice to see Yorkshire’s finest make another appearance. #SheffieldSteelStark
I hope that you get an acceptance letter soon! Sending loads of positive vibes your way.
Was the application for employment or to study? I'm in the process of applying to PhD programs right now and I check the online portals EVERY DAY. I know it's not healthy but I can't stop.
I’m sorry to hear about your rejection letter.
“Nothing is impossible if you want it enough.”
I’d watch to see District 2 dominate! I think that I am the only one who was rooting for them to win the when I read the first book. Clove got robbed.
I’ve had a crazy work day and have a lot of paperwork to complete. Gaaaaah. I hope everyone else had a Saturday that was full of solace.
Ray J is such a scrub. Booooooo to this idea.
Yes, and when interviewed and called on bullshit (I’m thinking of a NY Rock interview done by a female journalist) who told him “Women to deal with that shit all of the time, and a lot of us aren’t 6’6”,” Steele said “I never thought about it, but I guess you’re right.” HOW REFRESHING! Link below:
It's funny, because when I was presenting on Type O Negative, that's what one of my fellow scholars asked me about. It's interesting how straight men interpret the male gaze when it's placed on them, and they're not used to it.
Not that guy with the teeth filed down to look like fangs? And you're very welcome!
Such a bummer! Imagine the tunes he brought to the grave :(
No problem! I submitted an academic article to a journal that included them, and did a presentation on them, so I've got Type O on the brain!
This is the best Halloween song: