I'm priceless, no doubt. :)
So cold but so wonderful!
Oh absolutely! They say that’s why some of my family relocated to America as well. Famine? Colonization? We’ll stick it out. Banshee on your tail? Time to GTFO.
I believe that too, that if they exist, they’re just moving pictures or whatever.
Ooooooh. I believe this!
I want to believe!
Excellent fun fact!
My apartment in New Haven is very old as well. My roommates room has a photo of the original owners on the mantle of a former fireplace. It came with the apartment. We haven’t touched it.
I'm sorry that this happened to you, but I believe it- something's down there.
I believe it!
Ooooooh! Thank you for sharing your story!
People were sooooo nice!
All the plush highland terriers that are displayed in the toursit shops judged you.
Aww, you're very welcome.
As Anne Boleyn reincarnate I can confirm that it was indeed me. I was fibbing because I wanted to be covert that day.
Next time, maybe Finnegan was hungover like me when you visited!
Love this story! Thank you for sharing it. :)