Thank you. :)
Thank you. :)
I’ve never nursed before, but dexterity would be severely impaired while nursing, correct? I'm hyper paranoid because I've seen so many kids get smacked with balls and bats at work. Babies at hockey games must have been very cute! I don't watch baseball anymore, the NHL and international soccer are the only sports I…
Amber is actually part of the secret coalition of dogs that are depicted in “Lady and the Tramp” and “101 Dalmations.” Amber was going to gaze on the new babies visage, at it was her mission to name him his codename, so he could be mentioned covertly in “the Midnight Bark.”
I feel you. Which is why I have not brought a pregnancy to term. I am nowhere near ready to do so. But I’ll support women (or whatever gender a breast feeder identifies with) right to nurse wherever they may please.
I have yet to bring a pregnancy to term, but if I was feeding my infant in a ballpark, I’d leave my seat because I’m hyper paranoid my infant would be smacked by an errant foul ball or bat due to my paranoia and anxiety. So I’d leave the stands for that reason. Mothers should feed their babies whenever and wherever…
I can see where you’re coming from, but I can also understand mother relocating because they don’t want to be smacked by a foul ball. I wish that mothers in the United States weren’t shamed for simply feeding their children. Even one instance of that is too much.
Even though I believe that Mother’s should feel comfortable enough to nurse wherever they want (as it’s no different than taking out a bottle) this is awesome. The nursing options we gave to mothers when I worked in baseball were family restrooms, or the first aid stations. It’s a huge improvement and a step in the…
It’s horrific, and not a mandate that I would want to place on anyone. The interest group that wrote this law- notably doctors or medical professionals were absent during it’s creation- are in my opinion, revolting for advocating this reality.
This is extremely disconcerting to me, as the majority of definitive prenatal tests for genetic defects do not occur until the second trimester. Now, a woman is entitled to this legal, simple, medical procedure any time that they want for any reason; but it’s especially maddening that women in Kansas are not going to…
Getting a piece by your dream artist is such a fantastic experience. Mine was when Mike Moses tattooed me. He even got me a McFlurry! I figure if you are giving prime space that is required for a big piece, you should go to someone that is a dream artist for you.
Guy is really, really talented.
I used to work in both professional and collegiate athletics, so I usually read these stories with a grain of salt and a very jaded lens. Regardless of this fact, this story got to me. Even if the athletes or the Club do it for reasons that are less than genuine, it means everything to these kids.
One athlete that is…
It's on women in horror. :)
Wonderful! Wonderful!
Awww yes I remember that part!
Yep! It's the Peacocks!
I can't blame you.
I agree! I'm using "Home" in my thesis!
It was the only episode rated TV-MA.
Nope, nothing will be as creepy as "Home."